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Europe ‘gets fed up’ and puts Chinese cars in check

lyou Chinese cars are going to rise in price. This will be the case due to the measures taken by the European Comission against the Chinese automobile industry, which he accuses of receiving subsidies from the Beijing government to sell below what would be profitable and thus dynamite the European market.

Different measurements

The measure was seen coming because from October from last year European Comission announced this investigation, but it was not until today, Wednesday, that it announced its decisions, which will be different for each manufacturer depending on the subsidies that they are estimated to have received and the fact that whether they collaborated or not the investigation.

MG range.

The most affected will be Saic, company to which it belongs MGa brand that last year achieved fourth place in sales for its Z.S.. With a current tariff of 15%, the models of this old British brand (although now Chinese) will rise to the 38.1%.

Geelyanother manufacturer to which they belong Polestar, Lynk&Co and Zeekrand that last year announced its intention to become a manufacturer ‘top 3’ of electric cars in Europe, will see its tariffs raised up to twenty%.

Also BYD

And refering to BYDpresent in our market with new models such as the Seal and the Seal U SUV, the rise will be up to 17.4%.

There are of course many more manufacturers, and for them the new tariff will be between 21% and 38.1% depending on the subsidies and that they have whether they cooperated or notwith the European Commission in this investigation.

Since July 4th

The application of these tariffs will not be immediate, but will be postponed until July 4th, among other things to facilitate talks with Beijing that could end up lower these tariffs. In any case, in Europe they are not at all convinced that the talks can bear positive fruit because one of the problems that this Asian industry faces is the overproduction, and right now the domestic demand is falling and USA has taken even stronger measures than European ones to protect its car brands.

Signal U.

This measure, a priori protectionist, has however not been well received by many European car brands; manufacturers like BMW and Volkswagen They sell a large part of their production in China, to the point that it is already their main market. And in the case of Mercedes, is already him 36% of cars that is derived to this country, especially luxurious variants such as the Classes and the Maybach.

Thus, They now fear reprisals from the Government Chinese that hinder the enormous income they receive selling in that country.

And there are even brands that already manufacture in China itself, such as tesla or as renault in the case of the small electric Spring. The increase in tariffs would also affect these, although to a lesser extent.

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