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What are the best alternatives to allocate the bonus?

In times of thin pockets, the mid-year bonus can become a lifesaver for pay off debts or complete pending expenses. However, especially in a tight situation, it is always good to think that “extra” half salary as an opportunity to save or invest.

The lower rates and the “backwardness” of the dollar regarding the increase in prices so far this year, makes the most used instruments by the Argentines for this company, fixed terms or the dollar, lose much of their attractiveness. For this reason, Clarín consulted several experts about what could be the most efficient strategy for retail savers for the second half of the year.

“One imagines that to start investing you need a very large amount of money or expertise in the market, but today there are many simple alternatives so that savings do not lose value and even beat inflation,” said Federico Palmisano, CFO of YONT.

The research team of the investment app Cocos pointed out: “The first thing you should analyze, before making any investment decision, “It’s how much risk they are willing to take.” Along these lines, he created three portfolios, according to the risk profile of the potential investor.

For conservative people, Cocos proposes a portfolio where 60% is allocated to Negotiable Obligationss, debt instruments of higher profile companies.

Within this universe, 20% can go to the YPF ONwhich expires in 2026 and pays MEP dollars: “It is yielding around 7.5% annually, of the companies with the best credit in Argentina”. Another 20% of the portfolio can be allocated to Pampa Energía ON another company with great financial strength, which makes the security of the paper high. Also maturing in 2026, it is yielding approximately 8%, an attractive number for Pampa Energía. “This ON pays USD Cable, so the exchange (difference between the price of Cable and MEP) is in its favor,” added Damián Palais, Financial Advisor at Cocos Capital.

Third ON is Telecom: Although it does not enjoy the same situation as Pampa and YPF, It is one of the most popular titles within the corporate fixed income segment. Pays Cable dollar, matures in 2026 and is yielding over 9%.

The remaining 40% of this portfolio is divided between Bopreal 2026, MEP dollar and a common investment fund that invests in dollarized corporate debt.

For his part, Maximiliano Donzelli, Investment Strategies Manager at IOL Invertironline, provided different strategies depending on the objective pursued: accompany the rise in inflation or hedge against a jump in the exchange rate. “For people who want to invest thinking in the short term, we believe that It would be ideal to add the T4X4 National Treasury bond maturing on November 10, 2024 to the portfolio.. For this instrument, an annual return of 66% is projected, which is equivalent to a monthly return of 4.25%, above the return of a fixed term.”

Donzelli also pointed out that those who want to dollarize their savings and also earn a passive income, they can choose to invest in a common investment fund in dollars, that diversifies between Argentine and regional corporate bonds.

Another alternative for those who want to dollarize They are the Cedears, although they need a greater appetite for risk since they are subject to the fluctuation of stock prices. Here the recommendation that is repeated is that of Mercado Libre’s Cedear, the S&P 500 and Microsoft.

Finally, for profiles still more aggressive, cryptocurrencies they can be a good investment. According to a Bitso survey, so far this year, the assets that have gained the most were two crypto: Solana and Bitcoin, followed by the Argentine bond AL30.

Solana advanced 73% this year, which means that whoever invested US$1,000 at the end of January obtained US$1,729 in June. Meanwhile, Bitcoin had a 64.9% increase so far in 2024, which is equivalent to obtaining US$ 1,649 after having invested US$ 1,000. “The approval of ETFs in January, which are already available in the US Stock Market with the help of the world’s main investment fund operators, such as Blackrock, Franklin Templeton,” they noted in Bitso.

Julián Colombo, general director of Bitso Argentina, highlighted: “I am very optimistic regarding the evolution of cryptocurrencies for the remainder of the year. There continue to be excellent buying opportunities for bitcoin, ether and solana, among other digital assets. Instead, I would be very cautious regarding Argentine assets, based on economic and political volatility, and near-term uncertainty. Meanwhile, commodities are recommended for a long-term portfolio, as are the main technology companies in the world.”

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