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Find out if a company or entity has ever found out if you were in Dicom or not

To access credit, make a purchase, or even on some occasions when applying for a job, both banks, financial institutions or companies review the commercial behavior of the person in question.

The Dicom (Commercial Information Directory) shows a series of financial backgrounds of citizens, also debts and delinquencies; real estate and vehicles owned, among other information.

Although you must pay to obtain the Dicom, Equifax has a completely free report that allows you to know who has consulted the financial history.

To find out who investigated our debts and arrears, Next, the requested data must be completed and you will receive the details -via email- of who consulted about our financial status.

“Dicom Alerts”

In parallel, Equifax announced that it developed “Dicom Alerts”, a service that allows you to know any changes in financial history such as: if any entity consulted the person’s profile, if any delinquencies were published or there were changes in the credit risk score.

“It’s real-time, making it easy to take quick action to resolve any issues. “In the event of any of the aforementioned changes, an email will be sent to the owner informing them of the modification,” the company said.

He added that the service offers detailed information on changes in the risk score, a tool used by financial institutions to evaluate whether a person’s (financial) risk is high or low.

Of course, this service costs $8,990 for a period of 12 months (750 per month).

“All this allows people to be one step ahead when wanting to apply for a loan or credit, thus ensuring better organization and protection of personal finances,” Equifax pointed out.

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