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Did the fall of Bancolombia affect you? Consider these steps for compensation

05:11 PM

The clients of Bancolombia They experienced anxiety from June 3 to June 5 due to the failure in the bank’s digital services and channels. In this situation, The company made it clear that those who were harmed can request compensation.

After several hours in which there were complaints about the digital failures of the bank, The company apologized and clarified that users’ money and data was safe, and also acknowledged that the failure had occurred in its operating system.

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Bancolombia highlighted that those who had some economic impact due to the state of the digital channels, such as, for example, the breach of an obligation with another entity, they can use the “compensation benefit”.

To access the benefit, you must first report the situation through the customer service lines, By this means, all the details must be provided and in the end the entity will provide the user with a filing number, which must be saved, as it may be necessary within the process.

Depending on the case, Bancolombia may request that you upload documents that support your claim. Depending on the documents requested, you must enter the page to attach them.

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After completing the entire process, Bancolombia will evaluate each case and determine if compensation or refund of the money is appropriate. Note that Among the possible compensable effects are late payment charges, failed transactions and additional costs that have been generated as a result of the failure in the entity’s system.

The bank reminds its users that they must always keep in mind that by no means should users hand over data from their accounts, cards or portfolio products, nor should they share passwords through phone calls or web portals.

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