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Amazon Web Services launched a US$230 million program to finance Artificial Intelligence startups

Experience in discovering technological unicorns

“For more than 18 years, AWS has helped more startups build, launch, and scale than any other cloud provider; it is no coincidence that 96% of all unicorns of AI/ML to run on AWS,” said Matt Wood, vice president of Artificial Intelligence Products at AWS.

“With this new effort, we will help startups to launch and scale businesses world-class, providing the tools they need to create new AI applications that will impact how we learn, connect and do business,” he added.

Interested startups can consult eligibility requirements on the Amazon Generative Accelerator website. Startups can use AWS Credits to access AWS compute, storage, and database technologies, as well as AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia2, energy-efficient AI chips that deliver high performance at the lowest cost.

These credits can also be used on Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart, a fully managed service that helps companies build and train their own FMs, as well as models and tools to build generative AI applications through Amazon Bedrock.

AWS continues to launch successful startups

The AWS Generative AI Accelerator will identify leading early-stage startups using generative AI to solve complex challenges in areas such as financial services, healthcare and life sciences, media and entertainment, business and climate change.

Participants will access sessions on improving ML performance, stack optimization (AWS resources), and go-to-market strategies. During the 10 week program, Participants will be connected with technical and business mentors based on their own industry vertical, and will receive up to 1 million dollars in credits from AWS to help them build, train, test, and launch their generative AI solutions.

They will also have access to industry and technology experts from program partner NVIDIA, and will be invited to join the NVIDIA Inception program, designed to fuel innovative companies.

AWS will announce the startups selected for the second cohort September 10 and the program will start on October 1with in-person sessions at Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle, Washington, United States.

The 80 startups selected will be invited to show their solutions to potential investors, customers, partners and AWS leaders during re:Invent 2024 in Las Vegas, Snowfall, in December.

“AWS has been instrumental in allowing us to scale our generative AI platform and meet the growing demand of our global community of users. Its robust generative AI infrastructure helped us reduce inference costs by 60% and accelerate our language model inference speeds by up to 35%,” said Jachin Bhasme, co-founder and COO of Leonardo.AI, a powerful set of generative AI tools for creators and one of the 21 startups participating in the first cohort. of the program.

“The accelerator was also an incredible experience for us. The technical and business mentorship we received, as well as the connections we made played a crucial role in shaping our product and strategy,” he added.

“AWS has the right combination of technology and a network of partners and potential customers in the life sciences space, which made it the best choice to support our vision of building the next generation of AI models for drug discovery,” said Nima Alidoust, Ph.D., CEO and co-founder of Vevo Therapeutics.

This is an AI-powered biotech startup building the world’s first platform to generate high-resolution, single-cell-scale in vivo (inside the organism) data. “Participation in the AWS Generative AI Accelerator program gave us valuable opportunities to access this community and leverage AWS infrastructure and expertise to scale model training and development,” he concluded.

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