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More than 300 people gathered in Malaga for the fourth edition of the UAD360 Cybersecurity Congress

The meeting, with 8 presentations and 8 Lightning Talks, has addressed the latest trends and challenges in the cybersecurity sector.

06/15/2024.- For the fourth year, Málaga became the epicenter of cybersecurity with the celebration of the UAD360 Cybersecurity Congress. This event has established itself as one of the essential events in computer security in Spain, which was organized by Hispasec, and took place for an entire day this Friday, June 14, at the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering of the University of Malaga. .

The conference brought together more than 300 people and included the participation of eight professional speakers from the cybersecurity sector, who shared trends and technical knowledge about the current state and innovations to combat vulnerabilities.

Among them were some of the country’s leading specialists, such as cyber intelligence analyst Carlos Seisdedos, Joel Gámez, Red Team Cybersecurity Expert, the creator of the platform for performing penetration tests on web applications Burp Bounty, Eduardo García Melia, Rubén García and Juan Ortega, Lead Software Developer and CTO of Hispasec, Pablo San Emeterio, CEO of Vapasec, Joel Serna Moreno, engineer at Pentest IoT/ICS, Mercedes Muñoz, Pentester at Telefónica Tech, and Carlos Polop, in charge of closing the congress and Halborn team leader and creator of HackTricks, the most famous educational wiki on hacking and cybersecurity.

Likewise, it had 3 blocks of short talks of maximum 10 minutes, called Lightning Talks, which included the participation of Enrique Rando, head of the Andalusian Cybersecurity Center, who spoke about the importance of the “Human Element”, the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain; Myriam Jiménez, from the Andalusian Digital Agency, presented the projects that are being carried out by the SOC of the Andalusian autonomous community; Isaac Agudo, from NICs LABS at the UMA, reported on the Degree in Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence; Rafael Fuentes, founder of Blueberry Málaga, presented the project bringing programming and cybersecurity to schools, companies and families with a great impact on girls and boys throughout the province; David Padilla from Hackén, took a brief tour of the Bubbounty; Ángela Machado presented secure Web apps; Raquel Gálvez explained the CTF challenge project “Capture the Famous Bandit”; and finally, Santiago Alvarez de Cienfuegos, general manager of XM Cyber, explained the term “black swan” in cybersecurity.

Marta Barrio Marcos, cybersecurity disseminator through the Securiters channel, was in charge of energizing and presenting the event, which included a set of interviews, games and raffles.

The Congress, organized by Hispasec, has had the institutional support of the ETSI of Informatics of the University of Málaga and the Cybersecurity Center of the Digital Agency of Andalusia, and is possible thanks to the sponsorship of Cajamar, Koodous and XM Cyber. It has also brought together and had the collaboration of several hacker communities that have come together with the same objective of disseminating content around cybersecurity, such as Navaja Negra Conference Albacete, EuskalHack País Vasco, Hackademics Forum Córdoba, Hack-én Jaén, SecAdmin Sevilla, Yes We Tech and Securiters, which promote equal opportunities in the sector, OpenSouthCode on technology and free culture, among others.

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