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Artificial intelligence (AI), which was first discussed in the summer of 1959 at a conference at an American university, is already part of fields such as economics, medicine, education, transportation or communications, and AI engineers working on the development of algorithms and machine learning models to analyze large amounts of data and extract relevant information are involved in its progress; in the design of systems that can learn and improve over time through feedback and experience, or in the creation of artificial intelligence systems capable of interacting with human beings in a natural way, through voice recognition, natural language processing and computer vision, among others.

Given the importance that AI has acquired in society, universities offer degrees in Artificial Intelligence Engineering with the aim of placing their graduates in a labor market that increasingly demands this profile. “The growing relevance of this technology in society in general, and in almost all industrial fields in particular, is due to its potential to solve complex problems,” says Víctor Robles, vice-rector of Strategy and Digital Transformation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. (UPM).

Graduates usually focus on professional and knowledge areas such as data science, AI research, robotics, automation or software development. software, as well as emerging sectors such as digital health and financial services. “Graduates in AI-related degrees acquire skills in programming, data analysis, machine learning, computer vision and natural language processing. In addition, they develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking and handling large volumes of data, as well as experience in the use of specific AI tools and platforms,” says Robles.

Concerted internships

The UPM collaborates with companies through internship programs, joint research projects and through the integration of the University-Business Chairs into the institution. Conferences, workshops and seminars are also organized, and participation in technological competitions is encouraged. “These synergies allow students to apply their knowledge in real environments and establish connections for their professional career,” says the UPM vice-rector.

The Higher Polytechnic School (EPS) of the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) incorporated the Degree in Intelligence Systems Engineering in the 2023-2024 academic year, with great acceptance. The objective set by this university is for its graduates to enter the labor market with skills that allow them to carry out AI projects from start to finish, from the identification of problems to the implementation of solutions in real environments. Among the skills they acquire with this type of study are those of “evaluating and addressing ethical challenges related to social exclusion and the misuse of information, configuring IT infrastructures both on-site as in the cloud, adapting to any business context, detecting opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation in the market through the use of AI, or performing various functions as data scientists or AI engineers within any organization,” says Javier Sánchez-Soriano. , director of the degree in Artificial Intelligence Systems at this university center.

To ensure that future AI engineers join the labor market, the EPS has established agreements with companies, from start-ups to multinationals, where students get their first contact with employment. “There is an internship program that is part of the curriculum, so all students begin their professional journey before finishing their studies,” explains Sánchez-Soriano. In addition, the school has a collaboration with leaders in AI, such as Microsoft or Nvidia. With the latter they have designed and created their AI laboratory, “which in addition to being equipped with a space with modular furniture and multiple screens and whiteboard walls for collaborative work, allows students access to a supercomputer with the latest cards graphics for AI processing,” he comments.

AI has become a common tool through applications used as translators and grammar checkers, facial recognition applications on our phones or systems that recommend products, audiovisual content or advertisements. Robotic or artificial vision systems are common in industrial processes, and also in companies that exploit the information from the data they accumulate about their clients or their operations thanks to artificial intelligence techniques. “AI was already among us, making our lives easier,” emphasizes Javier Arroyo Gallardo, coordinator of the Degree in Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

Where do graduates join?

Last year the World Economic Forum presented the Future of Jobs Report 2023, where he explores how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years. The research took place with the participation of 803 companies (which together employ more than 11.3 million workers), in 27 industrial groups and 45 economies from all regions of the world.
According to the document, the adoption of technologies will continue to be the key driver of business transformation in the next five years. Within the adoption of technology, the big datacloud computing and artificial intelligence occupy a prominent place in company investment.
Graduates from the Polytechnic University of Madrid who complete their studies in the field of artificial intelligence “have an excellent reception in the international labor market, with high demand in countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany or the United Kingdom. Many find opportunities in large technology companies, start-ups innovative and renowned research centers”, maintains the vice-rector of Strategy and Digital Transformation of the UPM. And the sectors that welcome his talent are those related to technology, finance and health, “where AI is significantly transforming operations and services,” he declares.
For their part, university students who complete the degree in Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence taught at the Complutense University of Madrid “have no problem finding work anywhere in the world, although the majority join the national labor market” , he assures. However, the supply of professionals does not cover the demand anywhere on the planet. In that sense, foreign companies from stronger economies than ours tend to offer higher salaries than in Spain and thus attract those who do not mind going abroad,” points out the coordinator. Furthermore, during the pandemic, teleworking was normalized, a fact that, in his opinion, “favors that the job offers that an engineer can access from Spain are international, thus expanding the possibilities of finding jobs and competitive salaries,” he points out. .

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