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Generative AI and Cloud: harnessing their joint potential

By Matías Sosa, OVH Cloud Product Marketing Manager

The synergy between generative AI and cloud is key to the future of business, allowing companies to compete successfully in a constantly evolving digital market and achieve significant improvements in performance and scalability, regardless of their size. However, the innovation enabled by AI must be accessible, and the cloud plays a crucial role not only in accelerating it, but also in ensuring its accessibility and security.

Cloud computing has been key to driving digital transformation due to the flexibility, speed and efficiency it brings to organizations. By integrating with technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), these advantages are enhanced: thanks to the power of the cloud, companies can take advantage of processing capacity to automate processes, improve data analysis and offer personalized user experiences.

Last year marked a turning point with the emergence of generative AI and its demand has multiplied. In Spain, according to an IDC study, the AI ​​market will grow by 27% per year until 2025 – reaching a figure of 1.4 billion euros – and almost half (46%) of companies already use it in their operations. daily.

In this context, the synergy between cloud computing and generative AI opens a wide range of possibilities. The scalability of the cloud allows computing resources to be dynamically allocated according to needs, optimizing the development and execution of complex AI models without large investments in local infrastructure. Likewise, the pay-per-use model of the cloud and the PaaS (Platform as a service) facilitate its adoption and accessibility, reducing companies’ operating costs, as well as the complexity of developing and managing their own infrastructure. This allows SMEs with limited resources to benefit from cloud-based AI services and platforms.

Cloud data storage and management solutions simplify the processing and organization of large volumes of data to train AI models, while cloud-based edge computing enables real-time inference, essential for some applications. In turn, AI enhances the operational efficiency of cloud computing, with intelligent monitoring and predictive maintenance, which optimizes the reliability of infrastructures.

Democratize access to AI through the cloud

Over the years, OVHcloud has been a leading player in this integration, helping clients innovate and grow their businesses thanks to Public Cloud solutions based on powerful computing resources – with the best GPUs on the market – that allow on-demand access to all types of organizations.

Furthermore, to support them in the complete life cycle of data – from collection and storage, to refining and processing to extract its full value – OVHcloud has developed a complete set of solutions with AI Notebooks, AI Training and AI Deploy , which enable companies to address diverse use cases, from high-performance computing to machine learning. Additionally, AI Endpoints, a serverless solution for developers and integrators, makes it easy to access a variety of AI models through simple API endpoints. These innovative, easy and affordable solutions are based on a secure cloud and in transparent, ethical and open models that preserve privacy and data protection.

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