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Companies promote manifesto for responsible and sustainable use of AI

Forética proposes in the document five principles, developed in seventeen specific specifications, which companies and organizations should consider as a guide on their path towards responsible and sustainable artificial intelligence: align the development and/or use of AI products with the achievement of the objectives of net zero gas emissions greenhouse effect (GHG); align the development and/or use of AI products with nature recovery objectives; promote that the development and/or use of AI products is ethical, transparent, trustworthy, safe and respectful of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; integrate into the development and/or use of AI products the contribution to inclusion, equality, diversity and the elimination of any form of discrimination, and operate and use AI products in accordance with principles of good governance and aware of the responsibilities that entails.

According to Forética, the manifesto is the result of extensive reflection by the Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development, made up of presidents and CEOs of large Spanish companies, which at its annual executive meeting last February presented a declaration proposing some principles. of responsible AI.

These principles were ratified by the Board of Directors of Forética, and were developed and complemented by incorporating both the aspects highlighted by experts in the field, collected in the AI ​​on ESG platform, and with the collaboration of responsible AI and business sustainability managers, as well as as well as the support of an Accenture technical team to ensure their compatibility with both the most demanding international standards and the European Artificial Intelligence Law.

The manifesto, which has received the support of 70 companies and organizations – Endesa, Iberdrola, Bankinter, Repsol, Coca Cola and Fundación Once, among them – has been presented to the Minister for Digital Transformation and the Public Service, José Luis Escrivá , and the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Mayte Ledo, and arises with the vocation of being an element of awareness and inspiration for the development and continuous improvement of corporate policies that allow supporting the principles of responsible and sustainable AI and transforming them into action, going beyond what is required by law. In this sense, it is the first manifesto on AI focused on a comprehensive vision of environmental, social and governance aspects in Europe, according to Forética.

As next steps, Forética will promote the extension of support for these principles, starting, first, with its more than 200 partner companies and organizations. In addition, it will launch a community of practice for the periodic review and update of the manifesto, which will be presented on June 26 at the European Sustainable Industry Summit 2024 organized by CSR Europe.

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