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Are the cheap sunscreens from Dollarcity, Ara, D1 and Éxito good? This is what an expert says

A sunscreen is an essential item as it contains filters that block UVA and UVB rays and protects the skin from irritation, redness and allergies. Not to mention that it also prevents skin cancer, but just as its usefulness is very wide, so are its prices. For example, one from the La Roche Posay brand can cost $130,000. That’s why here we tell you if the cheap sunscreens from Dollarcity, Ara, D1 and Éxito are worth it.

This analysis was done by the content creator and chemical engineer ‘alebejaranom’ who, thanks to his knowledge, was able to analyze the components of these products. And thus determine if they are worth it or if their price is due precisely to poor quality or harmful components.

If the cheap sunscreens from Dollarcity, Ara, D1 and Éxito are worth it

Before starting the individual analysis, the content creator stated that one of the most important things is that have INVIMA registration, since this is granted to those who provide studies or tests that support the protection factor solar that they say they have.

The first one he talked about was the Banana Boat which is located in Dollarcity and costs $16,000. This one has the seal of the cancer foundation, it is manufactured in the United States although It has a but, it is the first filter that contains which is Homosalate and this had just been regulated in Europe with a maximum concentration of 7.34%, This one has more, so it is recommended to use another option.

From this same place is the ‘Guajira’ brand made in Colombia For a price of $12,000, this option has a but and that is that Two of its preservatives are formaldehyde releasers, which in the long term causes negative effects on health..

Then it was the turn of the Delia brand sunscreen from D1Although they are not that bad, they have a problem and that is that Some of its components can be irritating to the skin. Some examples are fragrances, essential spices, among others. But something positive is that it is regulated by the European Union.

On the other hand, the Ara be beauty brand sunscreen has no fragrances, essential oils, or drying alcohols. However, Your first filter is Homosalato and exactly the same thing happens as with the first Dollarcity option.

Finally, the option of Success called am pm, It has physical and chemical filters and some of them are currently under review by the European Union. Something positive is that It has no fragrances, no essential oils, no drying alcohols.. So the creator assures that could be a good option.

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