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Sales in shopping centers grow 3.2% until April

Shopping centers gain momentum in 2024. In the first four months of the year, Spanish shopping centers have increased their turnover by 3.2% year-on-year, in the same way as footfall, which has increased by 3.7%, according to the Retail Index, published by Cbre, in which up to 59 shopping centers in Spain and Portugal are studied.

Catalonia has led this increase in sales with a year-on-year increase of 6.1% and a growth in footfall of 2.3%. “This marked difference between the increase in turnover and the number of visitors is explained by the growth in average spending by shopping center consumers,” stated the head of

Retail Iberia de Cbre, Paul Santos.

In the rest of the country, The highest records in the number of visitors correspond to the shopping centers in southern Spain, with 7.9% and a sales increase of 3.8% as a whole. For their part, shopping centers in the north and central area of ​​Spain have also noticed the increase in turnover but to a lesser extent, with a growth of 2.7% in the north, 2.3% in Madrid and 2.1% in the Levante area.

Catalonia has led this increase in sales with a year-on-year increase of 6.1% and a growth in footfall of 2.3%

Inside shopping centers, The activities that have registered the greatest increases in billing have been specialty retail (9%), electronics (7.6%) or services (6.7%). Sports and leisure stores, on the other hand, have fallen between January and April compared to the same period of the previous year, with decreases of 1.8% and 3.7%, respectively.

The growth recorded in shopping centers is closely related to its leisure factor. Urban centers continue to be below the sales and footfall of shopping centers with a growth of 6% in sales and 7.1% in the number of visitors.

Shopping centers in Portugal have also increased their sales and footfall between January and April, above the increases recorded in Spain. In fact, the number of visitors has grown by 7.9% compared to the same period last year., while turnover has increased by 6.2%. However, the

Shopping centers have reached an occupancy rate of 95.9%.

In this case, the increase in sales has been driven by the growth in turnover in leisure stores (19.7%), followed by food (13.4%) and specialty retail (10.2%). The activities with the smallest increase in turnover have been sports (3.2%) and electronics and decoration (3.4%).

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