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“Latin American investment in Spain has increased by 142% in the last year”

The president of the Alliance for Ibero-America Business Council, Ceapi, gave an overview of what the Congress has been taking place this week in Cartagenathe first time it has been welcomed in Colombia.

Vilanova spoke of Spain as a gateway for Latin investments to Europe and assured that Latin American investment in Spain has increased by 142% in the last year.

However, He pointed out that this is the official figure, but that it does not reflect the entire truth and assured that the investment is greater.

“Some Latin American companies created their financial family offices years ago in Miami or Switzerland or in some other places. So they are Latin investments but they come to us from the family office in the United States or Switzerland or Luxembourg or other countries. Therefore, I believe that the investment, if we looked at it from those flows, would be much greater“said Vilanova.

Regarding the countries in the region that make the most investments in Spain, He said that Mexico is in the lead, followed by Brazil, which has made historic investments in recent months, but he also highlighted the growth of Colombia, Chile, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

He also noted that Spain is educating many of Latin America’s elites. “What the United States did before, now Spain is taking over from the US,” he said.

“All the sectors that have more opportunities from my perspective in Africa and provide more agile solutions through the telephone that allow the incorporation of all those groups that were not in banking and through microcredit or more personal solutionsallowing them access to financing for their projects,” added the president of Ceapi.

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