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It will stop operating as of June 28. What is happening? – Teach me about Science

Photo| Internet| Teach me about Science| BBVA announces definitive closure this June 28

The closure of BBVA branches has been recorded from March 2019 to June 2024, during this time the closure of 1,151 bank branches and more than 2 thousand ATMs has been reported, just in the first three months of this year BBVA closed 25 branches in important tourism cities such as Xalapa, Veracruz and this June 28 a branch will close in Guadalajara.

This is surprising, through a statement, BBVA reported that operations will be suspended on Friday, June 28, increasing the number of closed units in Mexico so far this year 2024 to 26.

Photos| Canva Pro|BBVA Mexico is in first position as the bank with the most accounts linked to mobile phones

BBVA closes branch in Guadalajara

Due to the low influence of users, BBVA reported the closure of branch number 1057 located at Independencia Sur no. 980, Sector Juárez neighborhood, in Guadalajara, will stop operating this June 28, so they asked to take precautions, and be aware of its relocation starting Saturday, June 29, where services will be provided at the branch located on Av. Enrique Díaz León no. 599, Colonia Moderna, with the usual hours of 08:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

It should be noted that BBVA services are only being suspended in the branches that are being closed, the bank will continue to operate normally in Mexico, providing services at ATMs, counters, of course in the convenient BBVA App and online banking.

What is happening with BBVA that is closing its branches?

BBVA indicated that the closure of branches is related to a digitalization strategy whose purpose is to focus greater attention through digital channels. Likewise, he highlighted that users will not be affected by this measure, since BBVA is not completely closing its offices, it is only analyzing the points with the least influx and those are the branches that it is closing.

Photo| Canva Pro|The objective is to channel and concentrate the largest number of users in the digital channel.

The advantages that digital channels offer for BBVA and its clients

BBVA Mexico projects that in the following years cell phone operations will grow very significantly. In a study carried out, BBVA confirms that the future of banking is through mobile phones; By 2025 there will be a reach of 18.9% of the total and by 2030 it will be 23.1%. Current banking users will transition to more efficient channels, such as direct debit, mobile banking and mobile money.

BBVA wants to continue advancing and knows that, to achieve this, it will have to provide its mobile banking with greater and better functionalities where it will promote the development of new products.

According to data from the CNBV BBVA Mexico is in first position as the bank with the most accounts linked to mobile phones since third quarter of 2020, By 2023 alone, the financial institution had 25.9 million mobile banking account contracts, closing with a percentage of 31.5% of the mobile banking market in the country. It is worth mentioning that all banks have experienced the same success and growth of mobile banking over the last five years.

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