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For the prosecutor, the role of the minor in the accident is clear because an entire Concordia family died – Police

It was on April 2, 2024, when the access to the city of Federación was the scene of that fatal crash where a Chevrolet Cruze, which was driven by a young minor (16 years old) and a Volkswagen Fox, where the two were traveling, collided. four members of the Concordian family.

In dialogue with Rio Uruguay Newspaper, The person in charge of the Public Prosecutor’s Office who is carrying out the investigation of the incident, Josefina Penon de Buseniche, recalled that in the case “the minor who was driving the Chevrolet Cruze is accused”, who is accused of the alleged “crime of aggravated manslaughter”. “.

Currently “we are still in the preparatory investigative stage and both the defense and the complaining party have requested the production of evidence”, which, for the prosecution, will be a “relevant and useful contribution to the investigation.”

In that sense, he highlighted that “in this case, the minor, although he is 16 years old, is charged because the crime attributed to him is expected to carry a sentence that exceeds the minimum, which is two years.”

Elevation to trial

The prosecutor considered that, with regard to her work, “I have practically completed the investigationso we would not be very far from, once all the reports have been received, having the case referred to trial.”

Regarding the pending reports, he limited himself to pointing out that they are “an expansion of the expert report, of the accidentological expertise.” On the part of the defense, “they were also going to present an expert report with their expert, and a graduate in Accidentology has also offered to present a report regarding the mechanics of the accident and other data,” he said.

Although she was cautious, Penón stated that, according to her position, the minor was responsible for the impact. “and that is why the accusation was made”. In any case, he did not rule out that the progress of the case does not lead to the possibility of an abbreviated trial, “for which the minor would have to accept responsibility for the fact.

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