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Check with your RUT if you have a pending charge

During this year 2024, The Social Security Institute (IPS) has delivered the Winter Bonus, as usual annually, with an amount of $77,982. This bonus aims to provide financial relief to seniors, especially during the colder months, when the impact is most significant on their expenses.

Some beneficiaries had to withdraw the bonus in person and, Due to lack of knowledge, they have not made their payment effective. To address this situation, a completely free online consultation mechanism has been implemented, which only requires the beneficiary’s RUT.

Check with your RUT if you have the 2024 Winter Bonus pending collection

The process is simple and secure. To get started, you just need Access the Mi Chile Atiende website and enter your RUT.

After entering your RUT, simply press “Consult”. The payment system will automatically show you the payment date of your pension. Verify the payment corresponding to the month of May, when the Winter 2024 Bonus was delivered, to make sure the amount of $77,982 has been included.

If the payment method was in person, the system will also provide you with this information, including all the necessary details so that you can withdraw the money personally.

Who collected the Winter 2024 Bonus

The aid was directed to:

  • A pension from the Social Security Institute (IPS), Institute of Occupational Safety (ISL), National Defense Provident Fund (Capredena), Pension Directorate of Carabineros de Chile (Dipreca) or employer mutual societies.
  • A pension from a Pension Fund Administrator (AFP), and receive a Minimum Pension with State Guarantee.
  • The Old-Age Solidarity Pension Contribution (APSV), whose pension amount is less than or equal to the value of the minimum old-age pension.
  • The Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU), as long as they do not have the right to another pension in any pension scheme.
  • A pension from some pension scheme who, in addition, are receiving the PGU, and whose pension is equal to or less than or equal to the value of the minimum old-age pension.
  • The Reparation Pension for Victims of Political Imprisonment and Torture (Law No. 19123 and Article 1 of Law No. 19,992).
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