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Three secrets from Bill Gates to achieve personal and professional success

Bill Gates has been emphatic that passion and knowledge are pillars for prosperity. (YouTube: Bill Gates)

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has often shared in various interviews and platforms how his daily habits have been crucial to his success. These have evolved over the years, including a proper sleep routine, constant reading, and being passionate.

At various times of the day, such as at work or with the family, these habits can be implemented to not only have a better quality of life, but also contribute to the development of those close to us.

Below we present the three keys to Bill Gates’ success, that he applies at various times in his personal and work life over the years.

For Gates, rest time is essential to maintaining optimal mental health. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

In Microsoft’s early days, Gates was known for his tireless dedication to work, which often trumped any concerns about rest.

On his personal blog, Gates Notes, He confessed that he recognized that he did not make good decisions when operating on caffeine or adrenaline, and continued working into the wee hours of the morning or went several days without sleep. He claimed that he believed that sleeping was for lazy people.

However, over time, he recognized the importance of adequate sleep. This epiphany came after reading the book “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker.

The impact of this reading was significant for Gates, who decided to adopt the habit of sleeping at least seven hours. This change not only improved their cognitive performance, but also their overall health and emotional well-being.

Reading is one of Gates’ key aspects of his daily life. (Photo: YouTube, Bill Gates)

Another fundamental habit for Gates is his dedication to reading. He is known to spend an hour every night reading, Taking advantage of this time to immerse yourself in a variety of topics without the distractions of the day.

On his blog and in various interviews, Gates has mentioned that his goal is to read approximately 50 books a year. This habit not only contributes to your continuous learning, but also to your personal and professional growth.

According to Gates, reading allows you to explore new, previously unknown ideas and perspectives that can be applied to your work and everyday life.

Gates has been passionate about everything he does professionally and at work. (Photo: REUTERS)

Throughout his career, Gates has stressed the importance of passion for one’s work. In the documentary “Bill Gates: Under the Magnifying Glass,” he mentions that at least once a year he takes a “week to think.”

During these periods, he retreats to a cabin with his work materials, where he isolates himself from the outside world. In that quiet environment, he reflects and focuses on strategic projects, resting only by walking through nature or sleeping.

In a certain way these three habits: Prioritize rest, read constantly and maintain passion for workare considered by Gates as fundamental pillars for his success.

Gates’ suggestions can be useful for those who want to improve their work productivity and personal growth. (Photo: REUTERS/Anushree Fadnavis/File Photo)

Additionally, Gates suggests some specific approaches to maximize these habits. For example, he recommends “conversing with the book,” making notes in the margins to encourage more interactive and reflective reading.

He also emphasizes the importance of choosing readings that can be read in their entirety and prefers to use paper booksbecause it considers that this improves concentration and retention of information.

Gates’ recommendations are not only applicable to his own life, They are also valuable advice for anyone looking to improve their personal and professional performance. Science backs up many of their practices.

For example, numerous studies have shown that adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive functions, memory, and emotional health. Similarly, regular reading is associated with improved empathy, critical analysis, and world understanding skills.

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