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These are the challenges of Ana Milena López as the new president of Corficolombiana

The economist Ana Milena López Rocha was appointed as the new president of Corficolombiana, replacing María Lorena Gutiérrezwho is now president of Grupo Aval.

With the arrival of López to the position that he will assume in the coming weeks, there are several challenges that he will have to face, among them, The primary task is to generate value for the more than 8,000 shareholders who, by 2023, They had a portion of Corficolombiana and that year after year they expect good profits that translate into dividends.

In line with this, Infrastructure challenges will also be part of López’s agenda. “Like Corficolombiana, it is a structurer of large infrastructure projects, The first challenge comes from that side. And no large infrastructure investments or large projects have been announced,” explained Gregorio Gandini, founder of Gandini Analysis.

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Wilson Tovar, research manager of Acciones y Valores, for his part, indicated that “One of the main challenges of the new president is to continue the tradition of starting new projects to allocate investment resources.”

On the other hand, something that Gandini highlighted is that There will be challenges linked to the approval of the pension reform.

“Many of these projects, additionally, came with investments from private capital funds that often had investments from pension funds.”. That, of course, In light of the pension reform it will also change and many of the private funds are probably no longer pushing that as hard.”

The new president of Corficolombiana was born in 1981, is an economist from Harvard University and has an MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School. Within your experience She has served as director of Public Credit and the National Treasury, vice president of emerging markets at JP Morgan in London and associate for Latin America at the same investment bank in New York.

According to Davivienda, he was also part of the work team at Sociedades Bolívar and NewFoundland Capital Management. Besides, López has held positions in large companies in the country, such as Ecopetrol, an entity of which he was a member of the Board of well as at Interconnection Eléctrica ESP, ISA, where he held the same position.

His most recent positions included being a substitute member of the Board of Directors of Ocensa and Seguros Bolívar, and a main member of the Board of Directors of Banco Davivienda and Seguros Bolívar. It should be remembered that this occurs almost a month after the process of the former financial superintendent, Jorge Castaño, to occupy the presidency of Corficolombiana would have been stopped by interference from the Financial Superintendence of Colombia.

On May 8, it was announced that the former financial superintendent, Jorge Castaño, would be the next president of Corficolombiana; However, at the end of May, LR learned that he would no longer hold the position due to certain interference from the Financial Superintendency. The decision was made directly by Castaño, who, given the interference seen in the appointment, decided to step aside. Everything would have occurred due to specific requirements from the Financial Superintendency to Castaño, which are not related to the impediments established by law for public servants.

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