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Genneia placed another Green Negotiable Bond for US$60 million

The renewable energy company Genneia placed his 14th Green Negotiable Obligation (ON) for an amount equivalent to US$60 millionintended to promote different solar and wind projects.

In total, the company received offers for more than US$90 millionwhich greatly exceeded the initial objective of US$20 million.

“The high demand for this instrument in the local capital market led to the declaration of the ON hard dollar Class XLV as void. The new ON Class XLVI will be incorporated into the panel of Social, Green and Sustainable Bonds (SVS) of ByMA, the local stock exchange that brings together the main players in the capital market, being its fourteenth instrument with green labeling,” the company detailed in generating renewable energy from Argentina.

The placement of the ON dollar-linked Class XLVI was for the maximum amount of the subscription notice of US$60 million. This ON has a fixed coupon of 2%interest payable quarterly and maturity in June 2026. It was issued at a price of 103.1%which implies a yield of 0.4%.

As far as he could know Energy Reportorders far exceeded the company’s initial target, with the majority of bids coming from private and institutional investors interested in low-carbon infrastructure projects that promote the equitable and sustainable development of the country.

Ullum Genneia Solar Park.jpg

CLEAN ENERGY. With the Tocota III photovoltaic solar park, Genneia now operates 10 renewable parks, 7 wind farms and 3 solar farms.

This operation is carried out under the coordination of Macro Securities as organizer and a dozen installers:

  • Macro Securities SAU
  • BACS Credit and Securitization Bank
  • Balanz Capital Securities SAU
  • BBVA Argentina Bank
  • Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires
  • Services and Transactions Bank
  • hipotecary Banc
  • Mariva Bank
  • Patagonia Bank
  • Santander Bank Argentina
  • Facimex Securities
  • Investing in the Stock Market
  • Parakeet Capital
  • Supervielle Bank
  • TPCG Valores SAU

With this placement, Genneia ratified its leadership in sustainable finance, and has accumulated an issuance of green bonds for more than US$800 million in local and international capital markets.

According to the company, all of its green-labeled emissions are in line with its firm commitment to the environment, reflected in the development of numerous initiatives and good practices that contribute to combating climate change.

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