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Four alternatives to boost the Christmas bonus in June

In an increasingly digitalized world, investment opportunities are expanding and diversifying. It not only changes the way people manage money on a daily basis, but also the way they save and grow those savings.

He Supplementary Annual Salary (SAC)better known in Argentina under the name of bonus, It is an additional remuneration granted to employees in a dependent relationship, regulated by the Employment Contract Law (Law No. 20,744).

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It is received in two installments: First in June with maturity on June 30 and the second in December, with a due date of December 18 of each year (although companies are allowed a delay of four business days). For many people, it represents a resource to make ends meet or an opportunity to save.

How to calculate the bonus?

The amount of the bonus depends on the months worked. As established by labor law“The amount to be paid in each semester is settled on the calculation of 50 percent of the highest monthly remuneration earned for any concept within the two (2) semesters ending in the months of June and December of each year.”

To calculate the first payment of the bonus, The highest salary for the period from January to June will be considered, including overtime, vacations and other bonuses received (e.g. vacations and vacation bonuses, bonuses for objectives met, etc.). For the second installment, the highest salary from July to December will be considered under the same criteria.

In the event that you have not worked every month of each of the semesters, either because you joined the company or organization in the middle of the semester or because the contract ended before the end of the period, the employee will be entitled to a bonus. proportional to the months worked.

Investment opportunities in a digitalized world

In an increasingly digitalized world, investment opportunities are expanding and diversifying. It not only changes the way people manage money on a daily basis, but also the way they save and grow those savings. In this sense, Through a single app, Ualá offers different investment instruments, adapted to different profiles and needs, to maximize the performance of the bonus:

  • Common Investment Fund (FCI): You can enter with a minimum amount of $1 and no stay time is required, and you can subscribe and use the money at any time. This alternative is offered by the ALyC Ualintec Capital through the Ualá app.
  • Fixed Term (FT): You can invest your funds in a fixed term and secure a fixed interest rate, which is currently 35% (APR). It allows you to earn profits with a minimum amount of $1,000, and with the flexibility of choosing terms of 30, 60 or 90 days. This alternative is offered by Uilo through the Ualá app.
  • MEP Dollar: You can access US currency in a few clicks, in an easy way, 100% online and in a few clicks. It allows you to acquire dollars through the purchase and sale of bonds in the local market, taking advantage of the exchange gap. This alternative is offered by the ALyC Ualintec Capital through the Ualá app.
  • CEDEARs, Shares and Bonds: You can invest in CEDEARs (Argentine Certificates of Deposit), which represent a portion of a share in a company listed abroad; in Shares, which can be from national or international companies listed locally; or in Bonds, which are debt instruments issued by companies or the National State, the Provincial States or the Municipalities to finance themselves. Investing in these instruments allows you to diversify your portfolio and access growth opportunities in both local and global markets. These alternatives are offered by ALyC Ualintec Capital through the Ualá app.

It is worth remembering that through Ualá you can access a Free Savings Box in Uilo, where you can collect your salary. The balance deposited in your Savings Bank generates interest, the annual rate is currently 41% (TNA). The best? Interest is automatically credited daily, allowing access to funds at any time, without the need to make additional movements. This benefit applies to amounts from $10,000 to $500,000.

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