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Dollar today: what is the price of the currency on June 27

He official dollar It is quoted today, June 27, at $891.28 for purchase and $948.68 for sale, according to the average made by the Central Bank among the different financial entities. This price positions it 406.32 pesos below the blue dollar, which is around $1,260.00 for purchase and $1,355.00 for sale. Thus, the exchange gap between both quotes is around 42.83 percent.

The value of dollar in the National Bank It is, as usual, the lowest on the market: $929.45, while a private entity such as Banco de Galicia shows it at $965.00.

If it is compared with the last business day, the official dollar is trading today at similar values, as the US currency was traded at $890.69 for purchase and $947.21 for sale.

In the last five business days, the official dollar remains stable with a fluctuation of less than 1 percent.

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When analyzing the performance of the currency throughout the year, it can be seen that the price of the official dollar has risen 10.83 percent, compared to the first days of the year when the boards showed $851.25.

The tourist dollar is quoted at $1,517.89. This value is obtained by adding 30% of the PAIS tax to the price of the US currency, and to this amount is added a 30% surcharge for the advance payment of the Income Tax.

The MEP dollar, also known as “Bolsa”, is trading today at $1,332.13, which reflects a jump of 1.75 percent compared to the last business day, when it was trading at $1,308.99. The value of the “stock market” dollar is defined based on the price of the AL30 bond, the most popular asset to achieve this exchange rate, which is accessed through the purchase and sale of financial assets that are quoted in pesos and dollars.

The CCL dollar, or counted with settlement, is exchanged today at $1,342.64, this value shows that the price is stable in relation to the last day.

The Central Bank charges for every dollar it negotiates. This price remains in line with the last day, with a movement of less than 1%.


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