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flavor and product diversification

Trends in marinating They are evolving rapidly, offering new opportunities for product diversification and improvement in food preservation.

The development of new marinade flavors is driven by consumer demand for unique culinary experiences and the need for manufacturers to differentiate their products in a saturated market.

In addition, global flavors are gaining popularity, with influences from Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.

  • Marinating with spices such as za’atar, harissa or even tamarind not only adds an exotic touch, but also resonates with current trends in fusion cuisine.

The various molecular marinating techniques, such as spherification and advanced emulsification, allow the creation of complex flavor profiles and innovative textures. These techniques are increasingly accessible thanks to advances in food technology, allowing manufacturers of final products to experiment with new flavor combinations.

Innovations in marinade preservation techniques

Preservation is a critical aspect in the food industry, and new marinating techniques are playing a crucial role in extending the shelf life of products.

Let’s review some of these:

  • High pressure technology

High pressure (HPP) technology is being used to improve the safety and quality of marinated foods. This non-thermal method inactivates pathogenic microorganisms without significantly altering the flavor or texture of the product.

HPP is especially effective for products such as marinated meats and fish, where food safety is a critical concern.

Controlled fermentation is another emerging trend in preserving marinated foods. This process not only helps extend shelf life, but can also enhance the natural flavors of the marinade.

Success stories in the food industry

Leading companies in the food industry are adopting these trends to improve their products and processes.

  • Innovation in seafood: A leading Mexican seafood company has implemented Asian-influenced marinating techniques and adopted HPP technology to improve the shelf life and safety of its products. As a result, it has managed to increase its market share and reduce food waste.
  • Premium beef: A premium beef producer has integrated controlled fermentation into its marinades, using ingredients like miso and tamarind to create unique flavor profiles. This strategy has not only improved the perception of quality among consumers, but has also allowed export to international markets with strict conservation regulations.
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