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SME Day: what are the new financing opportunities for the segment

Galicia presents a campaign designed exclusively for SMEs (Galicia)

Within the framework of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Dayit is appropriate to remember their role as engines of the economy: according to official data, represent approximately 80% of the workforce in Argentina. They are the main creators of jobs and generators of wealth, which drives innovation and economic growth in all regions of the country.

Its role is also crucial in building a more inclusive and prosperous society. Within the framework of this special day, Galicia presents SME Benefits, a campaign designed exclusively for these companies and which demonstrates their commitment to the sector.

“SMEs are a key segment in the Argentine economy; For this reason, our team of experts accompanies them every day to help them solve their problems and empower them to continue growing,” said Santiago García del Río, Senior Project Manager of the bank’s Business and SMEs.

In it SME DayGalicia aims to once again demonstrate the work it has been doing for small and medium-sized companies: it presents them with different financial solutions and innovative tools that allow them to enhance their development and growth. With a focus on these needs, it seeks to be an ally by providing specialized advice and products tailored to your needs and industries.

One of the issues that this financial institution detected at the end of 2023 was that businessmen and entrepreneurs were calculating their cash flow at three in the afternoon to invest in a fund and protect themselves against inflation. For this reason, at the time it decided extend hours so that they can work with Fima Funds until the business closes, without the risk of exposing those balances to a 0% rate.

Now, to accompany SMEs in their day, Galicia launches a campaign that provides better financing rateswith amounts up to 600 million of pesos without presenting a balance sheet. In addition, the Galicia shops They will be able to offer their consumers 3 and 6 interest-free installments with ship in all its sales.

In addition, the exclusive initiative for small and medium-sized companies includes an exclusive package of personalized benefits that those firms that are clients of the bank can already discover when entering the new Office Banking.

More than 60,000 SMEs operate in Fima Funds in Galicia (Galicia)

In the first quarter of 2024, Galicia financed more than 11,000 SMEs, which meant an increase of 50% compared to the previous year, according to data from the banking entity. To meet your immediate needs, it offers specific loans for the payment of bonuses and, in the long term, has custom lines of credit.

Another advantage that the bank highlights is the personalized attention: provides support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and has executives specialized in different industries and experts in more complex operations, such as foreign trade and investments.

Aware of the importance of efficiency and innovation, SME entrepreneurs can manage their banking operations in a flexible and efficient manner from anywhere. For this reason, the entity will renew its license this year. virtual platform and will promote the use of its mobile application.

Galicia also encourages the creation of business communitiesboth in physical and digital environments, where businesses and SMEs can interact and strengthen each other. These collaborative spaces are essential for growth and joint innovation.

Likewise, the bank organizes in-person and virtual events to provide tools that help the development and decision-making of SMEs throughout the country, in addition to generating productive relationships within the sector. At the same time, it finances training programs which address topics such as family transfer, tax planning, personnel management and inflation, resulting in practical solutions to the daily challenges of small and medium-sized businesses.

Another relevant aspect is the business rounds and outreach activities focused on various sectors and topics. Here, experts from different industries and specialists from the bank work together to identify and address the specific needs of clients to help them face their daily challenges and improve their competitiveness in the market.

According to internal information, during 2024, the entity supported more than 60,000 SMEs in the payment of salaries. More than 60,000 operate in Fima Funds, double those that operated in the same period last year. Meanwhile, so far in 2024, more than 69,000 businesses have charged through Galiciaproviding them with promotions and interest-free installments to promote the sales of their businesses.

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