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Sant Tomàs and SEIDOR promote the labour inclusion of people with disabilities | News


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The Sant Tomás social group and the technological consultancy SEIDOR have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of facilitating the incorporation of people with disabilities into the technological sector. This agreement represents significant progress in the field of social and labor inclusion of this group, in addition to financial support from SEIDOR for social projects and for the digitalization of Sant Tomàs.

For the president of Sant Tomàs, Joan Casany, “this agreement represents a giant step for our entity, since it allows us to advance in the creation of new opportunities for job placement in a sector, such as technology, which is very suitable for people linked to the entity and who are extremely systematic, responsible and focused on guaranteeing quality. Having a job is key to achieving autonomy, independence and increasing people’s self-esteem and fulfillment. For the group we serve it is even more so.”

First technological enclave

One of the first results of this agreement has been the creation of the first technological enclave in Sant Tomàs, where four people with disabilities work, along with a monitor who gives them the necessary support to carry out their work and fulfil SEIDOR’s mandate.

The agreement establishes that Sant Tomàs will provide SEIDOR with the necessary support to identify and select the most suitable people with disabilities to fill job positions and will also provide ongoing monitoring and support to the workers who carry out their work in the technology company.

The task carried out at SEIDOR is focused on monitoring the quality of the service. This includes identifying the degree of performance of the operational instructions for escalating incidents and requests; reviewing the corresponding tickets and setting status changes to prioritize their resolution; Likewise, the people provided by Sant Tomàs also carry out active listening and review of calls with clients to detect possible points of improvement, among other tasks.

For SEIDOR CEO Josep Benito, “at a time of technological acceleration, driven by generative artificial intelligence, it is a priority that job opportunities reach all types of groups, especially those who may have it more difficult.” Benito added that “at SEIDOR, we promote diversity in our teams and in the organization in general, actively collaborating with organizations and institutions, such as Sant Tomàs, to encourage the hiring of disabled people.”

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