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Entrepreneurs? Men warn of speed cameras on the road to Llano: they ask for a tip

Several photographs are beginning to go viral on social networks that show two men with a curious “undertaking”, with signs warning about a photo camera.

In the images you can see that a man is holding a sign that warns that 500 meters ahead of him there is a photo camera, which warns drivers to reduce their speed.

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“500 meters away photomulta, throw me the garter then,” says the sign.

This, as can be seen, appears on one of the country’s roads; It would be the route to the Llano.

Drivers have taken photos of these two men to show the “work” they have started, There are even photos of the money left in the small briefcase they carry with them; you can see both low-value bills and 10 thousand pesos and 20 thousand pesos bills.

Users have commented and replicated this situation that The vast majority have been grateful and many even support taking this type of action since they prevent fines and partly help to reduce speed.

However, there are other people who have pointed out that it is the duty of the authorities to place signs indicating the location of speed cameras.

Legal speed on the roads

It is important to highlight that in accordance with the provisions set forth, this legal advice concludes that the Law 1239 of 2008, is in force, and in accordance with what is established therein, The speed limits on urban roads and municipal highways are 80 kilometers per hour.

Exceeding the maximum speed of 80 km per hour in the center lanes of main roads: Fine: 10 to 20 times the Measurement and Update Unit (UMA), that is, between $1,085.7 and $2,171.4according to the values ​​in force for 2024.

Here you can check the location of fine photo cameras in the country

National Road Safety Agency website

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