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Elon Musk’s ex-wife revealed the tycoon’s secrets for dealing with extreme stress

Elon Musk, recognized for his ability to handle extreme pressures, at an event. (REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes)

The world of technology entrepreneurs and moguls is full of constant challenges and tensions. However, some people, such as Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, they seem to handle stress extraordinarily. According to his ex-wife, Justine Muskthe key is how this stress is addressed and transformed into something positive.

In a response to a question in Quora on how to achieve the level of success of figures such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs either Richard BransonJustine shared her thoughts.

“Extreme success comes from an extreme personality and comes at a cost in many other areas,” he said, in remarks reported by Forbes. It is not enough to be talented; It is necessary to be obsessive. In Justine’s words, you have to “be obsessed, be obsessed, be obsessed.”

According to the ex-partner of the owner of XSuccessful people are those who focus on their unique strengths and exploit those characteristics effectively. They are individuals with bold points of view who transform their weaknesses into advantages and seek alliances with people who complement their shortcomings.

Elon Musk during a conference, showing the determination that characterizes him. (REUTERS/Mike Blake)

Justine offered an interesting perspective on managing stress, based on her eight years married to the founder of Neuralink. The key, according to her, is not to avoid it, but to learn to manage levels of being stressed, which would “break” most people.

As he explained, Musk is not looking to reduce stress; Instead, he expands his comfort zone and redefines what he considers stressful. To do this, his first step is to find a purpose.

The writer mentioned that you should follow your obsessions until a big and challenging problem that affects many people emerges and try to solve it at all costs. It’s a long-term game that can take years of exploration and learning.

Elon and Justine, when they were a couple. After her divorce, the writer kept the last name Musk, ensuring that she did it for her children.

Extremely successful people, like Musk, face stress head-on and don’t let the fear of failure stop them. According to Justine, these people don’t fear failure, or if they do, they move forward anyway. Additionally, they learn to redefine failure until they no longer perceive it as such. This ability allows them to gain unique knowledge and experiences that others will never obtain.

“Public and spectacular failure is common for these people, but they find ways to reinterpret it until it is no longer a failure,” he said. This attitude gives them incredible resilience and determination, as they know that “pressure breaks eggs, but it also creates diamonds.”

Accepting that problems and challenges will continually come when building a business, growing an audience, and pushing the limits of one’s potential is essential. Justine He assured that stress does not have to break people, just like some adverse news or economic problems. He assured that anger, fear and anxiety should not be part of the world of an entrepreneur seeking to make a difference.

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