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Shopping app Temu faces accusations of mass text message spying

Arkansas Attorney General accuses Temu of spying on text messages and harvesting data. (REUTERS/Florence Lo/Illustration/File Photo)

TemuThe popular Chinese shopping apphas been sued by the attorney general of Arkansas (State in the southern United States), Tim Griffinwho described it as a “dangerous malware” that spies on text messages and collects a significant amount of data without authorization, according to Ars technica. The lawsuit was filed on Tuesday, June 25, and notes that the app supposedly allows Temu access the operating system of users’ phones, including camera, location, contacts, text messages, documents and other applications.

Griffin He indicated in his complaint that Temu It is designed in such a way that this expansive access “goes undetected, even by sophisticated users.” According to the lawsuit, once installed, the app can modify its own code and override privacy settings set by users, allowing it to collect and monetize personal data.

The attorney general fears that Temu is gaining access to most of the personal data stored on its users’ phones, exposing them to serious privacy and security risks. According to Griffin, “Anyone who texts or emails someone with a password can be Temu installed runs the risk of your private data being accessed and monetized” by the platform. The complaint states that the data collection is carried out with the intention of selling it to third parties, “profiting at the direct expense of users’ privacy rights.”

PDD Holdingsthe parent company of Temu Based in China, the company could be legally required to share data with the Chinese government due to laws requiring secret cooperation with the country’s intelligence apparatus. This was another concern highlighted in Griffin’s lawsuit, which he believes further exacerbates risks to users’ privacy and security.

The lawsuit filed alleges that Temu accesses data without user authorization. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The complaint cites an investigation by Grizzly Researchwhich in September last year exposed Temu as a “cleverly hidden spy program.” The investigation classified PDD Holdings of a “fraudulent enterprise” and warned of the urgency of addressing this threat to U.S. national security.

Griffin He also noted that Temu It lures users with seemingly attractive offers of quality and discounted products, with the goal of gaining access to as much personal data as possible. This scheme includes “addictive” features that keep users connected to the platform. Thousands of complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau They indicated that the products sold through Temu are of poor quality, which would support the claim that the company’s real goal is not to lead the shopping market, but to steal personal data.

The Arkansas attorney general’s lawsuit seeks an injunction to stop Temu continue its alleged spying practices. If the platform is found guilty, it could face fines of up to $10,000 for each violation of the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act and of the Arkansas Personal Information Protection Act.

In response, a spokesperson for Temu discredited the investigation of Grizzly Research and expressed that the company is “surprised and disappointed” by the lawsuit filed by Griffin “without any independent investigation.” The spokesperson stated that the accusations are based on erroneous information and are “totally unfounded,” highlighting that Temu plans to defend itself rigorously against the claims. The spokesman added: “We are committed to the long term and believe that scrutiny will ultimately benefit our development.”

PDD Holdings, Temu’s parent company, may share data with the Chinese government. (REUTERS/Florence Lo/Illustration/File Photo)

The Griffin lawsuit suggests that the relocation of the executive offices of PDD Holdings to Ireland was intended to distance the company from concerns about national security risks posed by China, although core operations remain in the Asian country. The complaint also highlights that Pinduoduothe Chinese application on which it is based Temuwas previously criticized for privacy risks, leading to its suspension from Google Play.

Researchers They discovered that Temu could bypass mobile device security measures to monitor activities in other applications, read private messages, and change settings. This increases concern about the platform’s true purpose. Griffin stresses that similar concerns persist a year after the launch of Temusuggesting a pattern of misconduct affecting user privacy.

Despite these concerns, a spokesperson for Temu said the company is open to making changes based on the criticisms listed in Griffin’s complaint. Statista, Temu has become the most downloaded application in the United States, surpassing Amazon in popularity, which shows the magnitude of the problem that Griffin hopes to resolve with legal action.

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