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Gerardo Alfredo Hernández is appointed new president of Banco AV Villas

On the night of Thursday, June 27, the AV Villas Bank appointed as new president Gerardo Alfredo Hernandez after having accepted the resignation of Juan Camilo Ángel, which will become effective on July 1st.

According to the criteria of

Lawyer Gerardo Alfredo Hernández was appointed by the Board of Directors and the president of the Aval GroupMaria Lorena Gutierrez B.

Hernández will complete the necessary procedures before the Financial Superintendence of Colombia for its possession.

Gerardo Alfredo Hernández, new president of Banco AV Villas.


Hernández is a lawyer from the Universidad de los Andes and has a specialization in Administrative Law from the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario.

In addition, he completed postgraduate studies in economics at the New School for Social Research in New York and studies on central banking at the International Monetary Fund.

The new president has served as advisor to the Executive Director for Colombia and Peru before the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security; Executive Manager and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Bank of the Republic; In addition to having been the executive superintendent and co-director of the Bank of the Republic and, finally, he had been serving as legal vice president of the Bank of Bogotá.


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