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The Central Bank continued selling reserves | The blue dollar increased and closed at 1365 pesos

The Central Bank sold 38 million dollars on Friday, marking three consecutive days with negative balances. Thus, throughout June it accumulated a monthly loss of 84 million dollars, the first in the Milei era.

The blue dollar rose 10 pesos to 1,365 pesos for sale. The Cash with Settlement (CCL) rose 0.4% to 1,351 pesos and the gap with the official one is 48.1%. After the sanction of the Bases Law, expected by investors, Argentine stocks and bonds closed with a majority of losses, both on Wall Street and in the Buenos Aires stock market.

Dollar bonds, which had started the day with moderate gains, ended with mostly declines. Thus, the country risk index prepared by the JP.Morgan bank rose to 1,456 basis points. The declines in sovereign bonds were led by the Global 2035 (-3.2%) and the Global 2038 (-2.6%). The S&P Merval index of the Buenos Aires stock exchange fell 1.5%: the declines were led by Central Puerto (-4.0%), Grupo Financiero Galicia (-3.4%), and Pampa Energía (-3.0%).

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