Emma García confesses the uncomfortable moment she experienced with her husband Aitor on an exotic trip

Emma García confesses the uncomfortable moment she experienced with her husband Aitor on an exotic trip
Emma García confesses the uncomfortable moment she experienced with her husband Aitor on an exotic trip

Very jealous of her privacy, from time to time Emma Garcia (50 years old) makes a family confession or tells an anecdote about her husband Aitor or her daughter Uxue. Queen of Mediaset’s weekends, the presenter gave way to a video in which she showed a hotel room in Bali full of insects. With the floor, walls and bed infested with bugs, The communicator recalled a moment with her husband during an exotic trip.

Very calm and not at all alarmed Because of what happened, unlike what would have happened to many with a situation similar to what happened to Emma, ​​García has told his set colleagues that while I was with Aitor on vacation in Mexico They had a slightly annoying experience where they had to ask to change their room. And all because of hundreds and thousands of animals!

“Something happened to me with crabs. I was in bed, well accompanied, and I started hearing click, click, click… and I said, ‘What is that?'” Emma began by saying, leaving everyone speechless. What was that sound that disturbed your rest so much? The presenter revealed that they were lying in bed when they had to turn on the light. “It was the passage of these animals, which you know have their season to make that journey. There were small ones, big ones, they were families. And they just had the passage through the room where we were. “It was a tremendous thing,” she said.

But it didn’t stop there, his set colleagues wanted to know what his reaction was or what they did when they saw that similar, unexpected and wild Mexican situation. “What are we going to do if we don’t get out of bed? They made the move because they had him in the middle of the room but The next day we asked for a change in case it happened again. It was a story… An uncomfortable moment,” Emma acknowledged.

García and her husband are lifelong couples. Of those who met very young and still today declare their love for each other at every moment. Emma and Aitor put the finishing touch to their beautiful story on July 23, 2000 in a very beautiful, special and unique ceremony on the incredible beach of Zarautz. An evening in which they surrounded themselves with their closest circle and that the presenter comments on some occasion: “I remember some wonderful moments with my father before saying ‘I do’. One of those that stays in your heart” , he explained in ‘Fiesta’. 34 years of marriage and 24 of courtship that leave anyone completely speechless.

A few months ago it was also possible to see how Emma made it clear how much she loved her husband, to whom she dedicated the ‘Joy of Living’ award, an award organized by the artist Lucrecia. “I want to dedicate it to my life partner, Aitor, that even when I forget what I shouldn’t forget, it is there,” said the presenter, who minutes later explained the reason why Aitor did not accompany her to collect the trophy last March. “We arrived at the train station. train and my dear Leticia only had two tickets and not three. Between her and I we forgot to buy the tickets for Aitor. So you don’t know how hard it was for me, saying goodbye to him at the station. As if not to dedicate the award to him…”, she acknowledged sadly on Mediaset’s weekend program. An unexpected situation that revealed the great affection they have for each other and the support they show for each other, both in good times and in bad times. the bad moments.

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