“Do I really have to speak out?”

“Do I really have to speak out?”
“Do I really have to speak out?”

Summer is coming and with the hot months students finish their courses. After a school year full of a lot of effort (for those who have applied and passed everything), the students say goodbye to the institute or the university to enjoy the time of rest. Many of them still have a few more stages ahead of them, having to bend their elbows, but others they finally graduate and they begin their path in the world of work, to real life.

One of these students who joins the real world is Juan (21 years), son of Nuria Roca (52 years) and Juan del Val (53 years old), who has graduated from the elite ESIC university in the double degree in Advertising and Marketing. Without a doubt a very important moment in his life in which, in addition to all his classmates, his family and loved ones were present. Of course, the presenter of ‘La Roca’ He did not hesitate to confess what was the biggest complaint of the entire ceremony.

Making it clear how proud they are of their son After their perseverance and perseverance, the couple took advantage of the LaSexta program to ensure that although they were very happy for such an important day, the gala lasted too long. “Three and a bit hours. Everything very beautiful, everything very dynamic“Nuria said with an ironic tone. In fact, joking about the subject, they asked her if she preferred to go to the graduation again or to a Goya awards ceremony and she laughingly responded: “Do I really have to speak out?“.

Nuria, very proud of her son Juan.

Instagram @juandelval

Although it seemed to Nuria and Juan that time was not passing while they were at the event, the truth is that they knew how to hide it very well. And in the numerous ones that the ‘El Hormiguero’ collaborator has shared, where his daughter Olivia and his father-in-law Alfredo are also, you can see everyone very happy and proud of their son. In fact, one of the greatest qualities that the creator of ‘The Challenge’ highlights about his child is his big smile: “Yesterday Juan del Val Roca graduated, the boy with the most beautiful smile in the world. Congratulations ‘My King‘”, he published along with a very personal album.

Instagram @juandelval

It is also not the first time that del Val makes it clear how much he loves his son. About to turn 22 this summer, the recent graduate can boast of having a father who leaves him beautiful messages on social networks. “I don’t know if I love you more when we get angry or when we laugh… It doesn’t matter, because I can’t love you more. Congratulations, you make me older,” the collaborator wrote.

Nuria Roca’s reflection

Following her husband’s words and one day after graduation, Nuria also wanted to take a moment to reflect on how quickly time passes and how happy she is with her son, who spent a year studying in Los Angeles (United States). “He really likes everything that has to do with creativity, in that sense, yes. It will be aimed at communication and advertising, which is what she is studying for,” the communicator said a few months ago in ‘Hello!’.

I’m emotionally hungover friends… ufff… A sigh ago I was taking ‘my Bole’ by the hand to school and he has already finished university. Congratulations darling! How much I am going to miss seeing you in that window studying, whether in the sun or in the cold, happy or overwhelmed, with Pepi on top or without her… Congratulations on my life!” Nuria wrote next to a photograph in which Juan takes his dog in his arms while studying on the computer. A memory of a process that we have all gone through to finish our student years.

At these words, numerous friends and familiar faces, such as Cari Lapique, Bibiana Fernandez, Carmen Lomana, Raúl Gómez, Elia Galera either Patricia Cerezo, They wanted to congratulate Nuria and Juan on this special day for their son.

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