Silvio Rodríguez, the inveterate Castroite who is now inspired without shame against homophobia and censorship

Silvio Rodríguez, the inveterate Castroite who is now inspired without shame against homophobia and censorship
Silvio Rodríguez, the inveterate Castroite who is now inspired without shame against homophobia and censorship

The contradictions of communism are often observed in the actions of its coreligionists. The singer-songwriter Silvio Rodriguez He is, a communist, and has been one all his life, specifically communism of Fidel Castroat whose side he always remained and now continues, at the side of his regime that endures without a solution, or as a solution for all those like him.

The surprising thing is always, as was said at the beginning, the levels of hypocrisy that some, like Silvio himself, who is 78 years old, are capable of achieving. Rodríguez releases a new album and in it he says that he sings against homophobia, dogmas and censorship: “The bonfires of homophobia, vices and dogmas and the censorship of media and artists.” It takes courage, of course. Or rather the now natural audacity, practiced during half a century of career.

Socialist society cannot allow this type of degeneration.Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro spoke the following words in 1963: “Many of Those lazy kids, sons of bourgeoisie, walk around with shorts that are too tight.some of them with a little guitar, in Elvispreslian attitudes, and who have taken their debauchery to the extreme of wanting to go to some public places to organize their feminoid shows for free (…) Socialist society cannot allow that type of degenerations.

That’s what Fidel said between smiles in the year when Silvio Rodríguez was not yet the protagonist-artist of the regime. The founder of the Cuban revolutionary party, Jose Martiinspiration of Castro and Rodríguez, defined the homosexual as “an effeminate being incapable of building a nation” and as “a useless detritus of modern materialism.” All that led to the repression of homosexualswho were interned in labor camps, practiced by Fidel Castro and the Che Guevara in the 60s.

Regime artist

In the 70s the call was approved Homosexual Ostentation Law against displays of affection between people of the same sex. In the 70s Silvio Rodríguez was already fully established as an artist of the regime. He had presented a program on television and belonged to the Sound Experimentation Group of the ICAIC, the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinematography, along with Pablo Milanés.

The successes began to come and did not stop, always under the Castro umbrella, under which it was also, for 15 years, deputy of the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba. Almost two years ago, his companion Pablo Milanés died, who in the last years of his life denounced the failure of communism and its repression, provoking the anger of Silvio, obsessed with the criminal slogan: “Until victory always.” ».

The regime that built dogma, censored everything and retaliated against homosexualsthe three songs that Silvio Rodríguez now sings against in his maturity, without having renounced that regime and without the slightest sign (the usual) of blushing, while he believes that “I only hope that our future, the future of Cuba of José Martí (the one who described homosexuals as detritus), does not remain in the pocket of the North American Government.

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