Ben Affleck’s striking smiles and air kisses to Jennifer Lopez after canceling his tour

Last Friday the news broke: Jennifer Lopez canceled her tour to spend more time with her family. The singer and actress claimed to be “heartbroken” for having to make this decision, but the complicated moment she is experiencing in her personal life would not allow her to continue with her professional commitments.

It is no secret that the relationship between the artist and her still husband, Ben Affleck, is going through a difficult time. The couple was in a fairy tale reunion 20 years after their first failed engagement, but it seems that the “honeymoon” stage would be over and reality would not be as idyllic as it might seem.

Rumors of an imminent separation have been following them for days, but last weekend, against all odds, they changed their long faces for smiles and the return of the alliances to their hands. Now, as the photographers who follow the minute by minute of their media relationship were able to verify, the only romantic gestures were some air kisses.

The couple purposely avoided kissing in public during their meeting in Santa Monica last Sunday, where they met to attend a basketball game played by little Samuel Affleck (12), the youngest son of the actor and Jennifer Garner. An event to which the Oscar-winning actor’s mother, Anne Boldt, also accompanied them.

The artist appeared crestfallen after canceling her tour.


There was no affection, they didn’t shake hands, or romantic gestures, but at least they showed the best of their smiles, especially when Affleck’s mother appeared. Inside the venue, the child’s mother, actress Jennifer Garner, joined.

This meeting occurs just two days after the singer announced the cancellation of her tour to focus on her personal life. Shortly before going to see Samuel Affleck’s game, the actress spent time with one of her twins, Emme (15), with whom she went to a flea market.

Hours before, the actress and Emme (16) spent time exploring a flea market.


According to witnesses, the actor seemed much more animated than in recent days, even joking with the press that follows his every move, something totally unusual for him. Affleck has been living separately from his wife and even looking for another residence in Los Angeles since the separation rumors emerged, after having “come to his senses” about their relationship, according to those around him.

Time for reflection to dedicate to your family: “I wouldn’t do this if it weren’t absolutely necessary.”

The artist wanted to send a personal message to her followers after the cancellation of her tour, showing her sadness for having had to disappoint them. “I am completely heartbroken and devastated to have let you down. Please know that I would not do this if I did not feel it was absolutely necessary,” she wrote.

The couple were last seen Thursday while heading to the graduation party for Affleck’s eldest child, Violet. After the party, both headed to the house where the actor is temporarily residing, where the artist would leave shortly after with her assistant. Apparently, these days would have served for the singer to reconsider her busy professional life and both are trying to save her marriage.

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