The famous América TV journalist who left everything to be a YouTuber

Over the years, America TV He knew how to consolidate the careers of various personalities and in this aspect, the reporters of his programs made a name for themselves and became famous thanks to the participation they had in the cycles where they passed, as happened with Gonzalo Vázquez.

The journalist was one of the members of the “Intruders” staff and stood out as part of interviews with juicy statements. Despite his brilliant performance in America TVat the beginning of the year announced that he was leaving the channel to fulfill his professional aspirations.

After having spent seven years related to the signal, Gonza Vázquez left America TV and today, we could affirm that he is one of those people whose dreams come true in a big way.

This week, the ex-notero spoke with TN Show and gave a rich interview where he explained that he is working on what he likes most: being a travel YouTuber. Together with his girlfriend, Agustina Lucero, they stand out with their YouTube channel “Gonza y Agus de Viaje”.

The couple recently visited Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

Little by little, the couple managed to build a large community of followers. “It was a long road because it was two years of working generating content and seeing absolutely no remuneration. In fact, I did not leave my job until I was sure that I was going to be able to make a living from this,” Gonzalo said.

Since they quit “Intruders” they have been able to plan big trips and provide their subscribers with quality content. The journalist said that although his new job as a YouTuber is dreamy, he has its pros and cons.

The couple surpassed the barrier of 55,000 followers on their YouTube account.

“One always idealizes the place where one is not. People idealize travel, but it is one thing to travel for pleasure and another to do it to generate content. “It has its very good things and its tiring and exhausting things, like any other type of job,” he stated.

The media, waiting

Asked about the possibility of returning, Gonzalo Vázquez declared that TV could be something for the future. “It’s not something I think about and it’s not something I need either. I think my ego is somewhat well placed to know that both the industry can continue without me and I can live without the success generated by the screen and being on camera.” , he declared.

Gonzalo managed to make a name for himself among tourism YouTubers.

Always grateful for the moments he lived, Gonza highlighted that being part of America TV It was a great school. “Television has given me a lot. A large part of the way we communicate is thanks to TV because it was a great school and it is an incredible format,” she declared sincerely.

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