Campi broke down when talking about Denise Dumas: “I found her late”

Campi broke down when talking about Denise Dumas: “I found her late”
Campi broke down when talking about Denise Dumas: “I found her late”

Written in SHOWS he 3/6/2024 · 08:36 a.m.

Martin “Campi” Campilongo She is experiencing one of the best moments of her artistic career: she breaks it in the Broadway theater in the role of Mama Cora in Waiting for the carriagewith production of Gustavo Yankelevich, and its Argentine monologueswhich premiered a few weeks ago on the Amazon Prime Video platform, are sweeping their way onto the podium of the most viewed globally.

Martin “Campi” Campilongo

As if this were not enough, his job as Fito Paez in the series The love after Love led him to be praised by critics and the public and now he is about to premiere two other series in which he has strong roles: one is that of the former President of the Nation Carlos Saul Menem and the other is that of the former trans star Cris Miro.

In the midst of so much work, Campi enjoys her marriage with Denise Dumas and paternity for four of Isabella, Santino, Emma and Francesca. “They are my everything,” she said in conversation with Soon.

Martín “Campi” Campilongo and Denise Dumas

-How do you organize yourself with so much work and your family?

-At home I am always present. I take the girls to school, I go pick them up, I organize myself very well and Denise is the best company in our house. She organizes everything very well. She is essential. I hope to be fundamental to her as well. In my life, in my career and in my daily life, Denise is fundamental.

-Why is she the woman of your life?

-I found her late. Just as I made my acting career slow, I also slowed down my family career. At 36 I found her already being a guy who enjoyed reading a book more than going to a bowling alley. He didn’t feel like fucking anymore. He wanted to put something serious together. He took me a while: 36 years, which is not the same as now. 20 years ago, at 36 you were already a big, single guy. He had given my mother a dog and I told her: “I’m not going to have children; take this dog as if he were one.” Right away we met Denise and this family was formed. They have already been together for 18 years. She came with two children: Isabella and Santino. She came with a cast on top! I love the boys.

Martín “Campi” Campilongo and Denise Dumas

-Santino went to live in New Zealand.

-Yeah. I miss him a lot but this social media thing makes you feel close and in permanent contact. He tells us everything: “This is the car I bought, here I am living, this is my job, these are my friends.” So, the distance is greatly shortened thanks to technology. I still miss him horribly. I can’t tell you so you can enjoy your journey.

-Did it cost you when he left?

-Yes, a lot. What’s more, I told him: “No, no, you’re not leaving.” Then, Santino answered me: “How long will it take me to buy a house here?” With a more or less basic, normal salary, like the one he was earning here, they were, according to the calculation we made, 112 years. “In five years I bought it. “Let me go,” he replied. It is his way and he is in this life to do his way, like each of us. You have to be respectful. The only thing I can do is take care of him and make sure he doesn’t stumble. Let him not take a nasty blow. But I have to accompany him. Denise the same.

Campi and Santino

-He has his father but you are a kind of father too.

-Yes, they have their father but I am also like a father to them. I love being a dad to four. I choose them. I chose them. Denise came with these two children and I chose them. “Yes, I do, yes,” I said. When we were about to get married, Isabella said, “Now, Mom, shall we marry Mar?” She was two years old. She was dressed in white to go out to say yes, hand in hand with her mother. We always remember that anecdote because we all got married.

Campi and Santino

-Then Emma and Francesca arrived to crown the family.

-Yeah. I couldn’t have given my daughters a better mother. I am lucky and I can’t stop looking around and being grateful for everything beautiful I have. Therefore, the point is not to believe anything. Go, do your job and do it well. The rest is all lies. I live it like this. When we did VideoMatch on Telefe, we were like the Rolling Stones, and a woman at the door of the channel told me: “Campi, I watch the program for you, you are the best.” Yayo came behind and commented: “Yayo, I watch the program for you, you are the best.” There all the chips fell on me and I thought: “This is all a lie.” The only real thing is to make people laugh and have a good time. Afterwards if I’m the best or not, I don’t care. I do my job well and that’s what I focus on. That’s when you have a margin of amazing surprise and that’s how I like to take it.

Campi with family

The complete interview with Campi is in the May digital edition of Pronto magazine, it can be downloaded and read for free by clicking on this link

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