Jimena Barón traveled to Korea and on her return showed all the gifts she brought to her son: “He is dying”

Jimena Barón traveled to Korea and on her return showed all the gifts she brought to her son: “He is dying”
Jimena Barón traveled to Korea and on her return showed all the gifts she brought to her son: “He is dying”

Jimena Barón returned from Korea and showed what she brought as a gift to Momo and her boyfriend (Instagram)

Jimena Baron I travel to South Korea invited by the platform Netflix to promote the second season of the popular series The Squid Game. Accompanied by Damián Betular, The singer visited the most iconic places and carried out countless local activities during the twelve days she was there. Although she made it clear that she enjoyed it to the fullest, the artist couldn’t stop thinking about her son, whom she decided to entertain with endless gifts.

Recently arrived in the country, the composer went straight home. With her bags about to burst, she took the time to tell her plans. before the imminent arrival of the little one. “I had taken the carry-on inside this (suitcase) thinking that it was going to come back full of things and it was,” he noted in one of his stories about instagram, where he taught that his “security method” with duct tape was destroyed, although none of his belongings were missing. Immediately afterwards, she headed to her son’s room, for whom she had a big surprise: “I cleared the dwarf’s desk so I can put all his gifts here so that when he comes home from school, cha-ran!”

Upon arriving home, Jimena began to arrange surprises for her family.

Although he advanced some of the gifts, Barón took the opportunity to show some of the candy, toys, supplies and even plastic containers that he was going to give to the little one. He also confessed that he remembered to bring a gift to his partner, who stayed taking care of the minor. “There was a lady who took portraits and I sat with a photo of Q (her boyfriend) on my cell phone that’s how we were together“, he commented in a video that he filmed during his days in Seoul, where a cartoonist managed to make an animated version of the couple.

After hard work, which consisted of arranging each of Momo’s gifts, Jimena showed the final result to her more than six million followers. Candies, gummies, instant noodles, chocolates and snacks were some of the many present that the singer was in charge of looking for during her trip. Not only did she think about the usefulness that she could give to those present, among which were some pots to put the condiments, but she also focused on her personal tastes.

The composer came across several offers during her shopping trips (Video: TikTok)

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that this was not the only thing he acquired during his stay on the other side of the globe, but She also thought about her friends and herself.. In your account TikTok, the interpreter of “La Cobra” sat in front of the camera and spent the purchases she made in recent days. A cell phone holder, a seed grinder, lip dyes, bottle labels, an LED light ring, facial masks, among several other objects.

“Total, I spent 48,200 won, which is approximately 36 dollars, Which, the truth is, for so many things that are good and rewarding, it’s fine, what do you think?“, he noted in the last videos of said video, which caused a sensation in cyberspace.

Jimena Barín was grateful after her return from Korea and shared a short video of the moments she enjoyed the most

With the faithful humor that characterizes her, the actress combined the work commitments that took her to the Asian continent with her free time to enjoy Seoul. Not only He lived first-hand Korean daily life, but also walked through some ancient palaces, belonging to the dynasties that reigned in the country in the past. The presence of the cook made the journey much more entertaining, since his curiosity led them to unexpected places.

In that sense, the artist published a video as a summary, showing the best moments of her trip and wrote some heartfelt words in gratitude for the experience. ”Korea, it was a truly amazing trip. “I return full of happiness, experiences and some secrets that we will tell you.” the singer began saying.

Jimena Barón enjoyed Korea with Damián Betular and the Netflix team (Instagram)

In addition to extending her gratitude to the platform, the interpreter of “La Tonto” dedicated a few words to the pastry chef. “Thank you Damián Betular for the company and for being my perfect travel partner“, he maintained and replied the message in English, since this trip generated people from all over the world to follow him.

The publication in question garnered more than 600 thousand views, 32 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from his colleagues, fans, family and friends who gave him hundreds of compliments and good vibes messages just one hour after making the publication. “We need a program of you two traveling“, “Very good duo with Betu“, “I need a world travel program from you two, what I laughed watching everything. I love you so much”, were some of the messages where they also praised Damián.

Jimena Barón enjoying Korea (Instagram)

Among the activities they did, they lived a fun moment that was recorded on social networks. On one of her many outings, Jimena met a large number of fans hoping to see a well-known artist. “We don’t know who is there, but just in case we’re going to wait.,” expressed the artist, while personnel affected by the event asked them to leave the vicinity.

The idol in question was Mark Lee, the Korean-Canadian rapper of the band NCT Dream. Thanks to one of the musician’s fans, Barón was able to dispel his doubts after spending more than an hour waiting to see who he was. “Well, an hour and a half. People kicked us out, the girls, I was dying to see it. I love you, Mark“, she confessed ironically, as she walked away from the area, where she was also threatened by one of the security guards with “a stick” to get away.

The singer tried to see one of the members of NCT Dream, a renowned Korean pop band

After that they headed to an event organized by the streaming platform. Faithful to Korean culture, the celebrities enjoyed a typical local barbecue, which was cooked by Betular himself, who did not hesitate to show off his culinary skills. They also tried sojua typical alcoholic drink similar to sake Japanese or rice wine, which ended up in the pastry chef’s pants: “Well, they soaked it. We don’t really know what’s happening”, admitted the actress. Also, Jimena enjoyed the city’s cafes, which surprised her because of their high prices. “$6,500 pesos for a coffee in a nice place in Seoul”he commented.

The first adventures of Jimena Barón and Damián Betular in Seoul: the cook couldn’t stop shopping (Instagram)

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