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Fátima Florez’s master move against Javier Milei was leaked: “Karina”

Since separating from Javier Milei, Fátima Florez is still active on stage and in the last few hours it emerged that could be preparing a new show that would have a “master move” that could upset the president’s inner circle. “It’s in the plans,” said journalist Facundo Ventura.

In the air of Start the day (Ciudad Magazine), The journalist Facundo Ventura spoke about the next artistic steps of Fátima Florez and revealed: “They are telling me about Fátima’s entourage who is going to be on June 15 with Marcelo Polino at Luna Park. This is her return after the breakup with Javier Milei. She did very well in this theater season in Mar del Plata. I understand she is doing very well with ticket sales as well.”

“She will be with Marcelo Polino, there will be guest stars. But, you know, Fátima’s forte is imitations. And, although she has already shown her repertoire of characters during this last season, He wants to add a very controversial one to the list. “He is thinking about adding Karina Milei to his routine,” Luis Ventura’s son continued. “It’s a lot!” Pochi reacted Gossipame.

“Let’s see, it’s something that is in the plans. People very close to Fátima tell me this, which has to do with the work. I don’t know if she will cheer up later or not, but the truth is that she is already studying some of Milei’s sister’s gestures to see if she can get her out. “I believe that if there is anyone who can imitate Karina, it is Fátima because she is number one,” the journalist concluded.

Moria Casán explained what many thought of Fátima and Milei: “Hard”

The separation between Fatima Florez and Javier Milei left a lot of fabric to cut. Although they put an end to their relationship several months ago, many rumors and speculations about them continue to come to light, More precisely, this time it was Moria Casán who referred to the issue and made a controversial statement.

Intercepted by cell phone In the afternooncycle led by Karina Mazzocco in America TVMoria was consulted about several issues that affect current entertainment. Then, they asked him for his opinion about Fátima Florez and her media “disappearance” since she separated from the president. In this framework, Casán launched a strong analysis faithful to his style.

“Look, I don’t focus on people who are showing a romance so outwardly. It’s very difficult if they grab a person, in the initial moments of a romance, I think they even feel uncomfortable,” he began. Then she added: “It’s not that I didn’t believe them, it seems to me that I did and that this woman has been the first person to cancel love. “What happened to Fatima seems hard to me.”

Likewise, Moria assured that there was a “cancellation” towards Florez and it seems “very unfair.” “It seems to me that they canceled it, I don’t know who canceled it, he and the sister are the same, power. I don’t think I’m there to be with one person, currently the president. He is in his most romantic stage with his voters, he is euphoric and out in the world. “Maybe this is my thought,” he determined. Finally, he stated: “I think it was a couple that was formed, at that moment it was good and bye, but I felt that now they canceled it, but not the public, the people who are going to see it I don’t think they care about that, I’m talking about emotional cancellation , it feels like ‘the left one’.”

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