Juana Viale’s surprising and firm reflection on Father’s Day

Juana Viale’s surprising and firm reflection on Father’s Day
Juana Viale’s surprising and firm reflection on Father’s Day

In this way, showing herself next to a globe and taking notes, in clear reference to her passion for travel, the sister of Nacho Viale He dedicated a few words to his father. “I was thinking about what to say on Father’s Day. I could say that he is the reference that I had towards adventure, towards exploring the unknown. ”he wrote at the outset.

At the same time he concluded, with an open heart, remarking: “So, on this day I am grateful for the gift that my father always gave me, the impulse of encouragement and strength, in moving towards my desires, towards what my heart drives me.”.

It is worth remembering that Joan and Nacho They are the fruit of the marriage that Marcela Tinayre maintained for some years with Ignacio Viale del Carril. And although after a while they separated, they always maintained the most cordial of relationships, to the point of being true friends.

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Mirtha Legrand threw a stick at Juana Viale for her trip across the Atlantic: “I wouldn’t have done it”

This Tuesday, in THE M (América TV), the chronicler Santiago Sposato he asked Mirtha Legrand for the trip he made Juana Viale on a boat with her new boyfriend Yango Langeand the legendary host threw a stick at her granddaughter

“You, who are so professional, did it bother you a little about Juana who went to browse many programs?”the chronicler asked her after the diva left the designer’s show Claudio Cosano.

“No, it seems strange to me, it’s something I would never do. But, well, those are Juana’s things: she is crazy about that, about nature, and we have to respect her too, she doesn’t hurt anyone.”he opined Mirtha about his granddaughter’s attitude. And she remarked: “He was away for a month”.

Then, they consulted him about the economic and social situation of the country. “Yes, I want Argentina to go back to the way it was before”expressed the concerned presenter.

Finally, they asked Legrand if he could express a message of hope and optimism for the country. “Let us be optimistic and look at life differently, that Argentina is suffering and I do not want my country to suffer. I am also suffering”be sincere.

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