They filter what would have happened to Fátima Florez in Salta: “The reality”

Fatima Florez She is a well-known actress and imitator in the world of showbiz for his work in different programs television. The romance with the president ended Javier Mileicontinued with his commitments in the theater with several functions, but comes from starring in an unexpected situation that put her on the ropes before performing in Salta and Tucumán, which is why a wave of reactions was unleashed in the show.

In Show Partnersprogram hosted by Rodrigo Lussich and Adrian Pallares in The thirteenthey delved into an uncomfortable moment that he experienced Fatima Florez in Jump after definitively canceling the performance on Thursday night, June 6. In contact with a journalist from that province, the reasons that led the actress to make this drastic decision were revealed.

“It was said that she was sick, but the reality is that there were not the number of tickets sold that was needed, so the event was canceled in both Salta capital and Tucumán,” said journalist Martín Macías.. In addition to that, he explained that he has been present at different events in the Federal Capital. “How sick can she be?” she said ironically. From what was known, Of the 100% capacity of the Dermi Sports Center where the show was going to take place, it was almost half sold.

One fact that worked against him, according to Macías, is that sporting and musical events are usually held in that sports center, but not so much linked to theater. “It was a matter of not paying it, because one of the most important print media in Salta brings Fátima to Fátima,” said the journalist. Tickets cost $30,000 and finally, the impersonator had to cancel two important performances for the weekend that caused a stir in the show’s atmosphere. At the moment, she did not provide statements regarding this situation.

Moria Casán explained what many thought of Fátima and Milei: “Hard”

The separation between Fatima Florez and Javier Milei left a lot of fabric to cut. Although they put an end to their relationship several months ago, many rumors and speculations about them continue to come to light, More precisely, this time it was Moria Casán who referred to the issue and made a controversial statement.

Intercepted by cell phone In the afternooncycle led by Karina Mazzocco in America TVMoria was consulted about several issues that affect current entertainment. Then, they asked him for his opinion about Fátima Florez and her media “disappearance” since she separated from the president. In this framework, Casán launched a strong analysis faithful to his style.

“Look, I don’t focus on people who are showing a romance so outwardly. It’s very difficult if they grab a person, in the initial moments of a romance, I think they even feel uncomfortable,” he began. Then she added: “It’s not that I didn’t believe them, it seems to me that I did and that this woman has been the first person to cancel love. “What happened to Fatima seems hard to me.”

Likewise, Moria assured that there was a “cancellation” towards Florez and it seems “very unfair.” “It seems to me that they canceled it, I don’t know who canceled it, he and the sister are the same, power. I don’t think I’m there to be with one person, currently the president. He is in his most romantic stage with his voters, he is euphoric and out in the world. “Maybe this is my thought,” he determined. Finally, he stated: “I think it was a couple that was formed, at that moment it was good and bye, but I felt that now they canceled it, but not the public, the people who are going to see it I don’t think they care about that, I’m talking about emotional cancellation , it feels like ‘the left one’.”

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