“The Treasury brings them out because they are famous”

“The Treasury brings them out because they are famous”
“The Treasury brings them out because they are famous”

Maria Galiana visited the program this Friday ‘Public Mirror’ to chat with Susanna Griso. At the end of the interview, the Atresmedia presenter asked him about the judicial process they face Imanol Arias and Ana Duato with Hacienda, his former colleagues in ‘Cuéntame’.

Susanna Griso went straight to the point

“How are you experiencing the trial of Imanol Arias and Ana Duato? Are you suffering from it? Is it difficult for you to see them?” Griso asked him bluntly. The actress did not hesitate to respond, regretting the excessive media focus on them and defending that they were victims of her tax advisor. “It’s not difficult for me to see them, but I think there is too much advertisingespecially at this time. Every year, and look, they have had this situation for eight years.but whenever the deadline opens to pay “The Treasury brings out this couple because they are famous,” Galiana explained.

The actress added that both Imanol Arias and Ana Duato had the bad luck of trusting a tax advisor who turned out to be a former Treasury inspector, who supposedly knew all the tricks. “And because they have had the bad luck to find that kind of tremendous office from a person who, apparently, He had been a tax inspector and it is assumed that he knew the tricks and they trusted him. “Absolutely absurd things.”he commented, thus exonerating his colleagues from responsibilities.

Your current relationship with your colleagues

Finally, Susanna Griso became interested in Galiana’s current relationship with them. “Do you talk to them a lot?” she asked. The actress responded that she currently does not keep much contact. “Last year we spent the entire summer in horrible heat recording the last season of ‘Cuéntame’. I have had contact with Ana not long ago because she congratulated me on my birthday. And Imanol, who also congratulated me, told me that he was going to Argentina. But nothing else”, Galiana clarified. María Galiana, with her usual frankness, He made his opinion clear about the difficult time his colleagues are going through, emphasizing the injustice of the situation and the disproportionate media attention they receive.

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