Puma Goity remembered the time when, together with Luciano Castro, he ended up beating two young men

Puma Goity remembered the time when, together with Luciano Castro, he ended up beating two young men
Puma Goity remembered the time when, together with Luciano Castro, he ended up beating two young men

Gabriel “El Puma” Goity (63) remembered the time it ended with a bang with Luciano Castro (49), during the filming of a movie that took place on board a cruise ship. “I charged a little bit,” she admitted.

The actor recalled this anecdote during an interview with Sebastian Wainraich in The perfect night (Thirteen at 11pm).

The driver asked him to tell a story that he had already shared on several occasions and gave him a choice between several options.

Gabriel, as is his real name, went for this option and began his story: “They called us for a movie with Luciano as the protagonist and I as his companion.”

But the filming was not located in an ordinary studio, but on board a boat. Regarding this detail, Goity explained: “Everything that seemed like a project in a liner that was going to leave Buenos Aires for Venice For normal human beings it’s great, for us it’s difficult.”

Regarding the ship, the actor recalled: “A giant liner and Two hours later we were having a terrible phobia attack.It was like being on a little boat. So, to avoid these types of issues, Luciano tells me: ‘Let’s go train.'”

Puma Goity recalled a funny anecdote with Luciano Castro. Capture TV

Then, the protagonist of the play Cyrano (Teatro San Martín) explained the problems that arose when finishing training and going to the dining room in search of food: “They prohibited us from entering because they told us that lunch time was at eight.”

And he recalled the conversation he had with the manager of the room: “I tell him: ‘Look, we are from the movie’, ‘What do I care about the movie, brother? Here they eat 3,000 people.’ And then we discuss what we can, what we can’tuntil at one point I say to the fat man (Luciano): ‘Let’s go, what do I know’, I turn around and the fat man was face to face with the maître“.

“I want to tell you something, he maître “He was a giant, Luciano seemed small”clarified the actor regarding the size of the two men who were arguing.

In that sense, Puma continued telling the story: “Luciano was telling him that he was a gangster and then a person told me: ‘Go separate them.’ I jumped at the chance.”

Puma Goity remembered when he was hit because of Luciano Castro. Capture TV

“AND The young men came, who were Croatians and Serbians, two meters each. So well, there were runs, we were us two against all of them”he added.

Anxious to know the end of the story, Sebastián asked him: “And did they get paid?” “I got paid”, the interviewee acknowledged.

“And well, the nice anecdote of the case is that later one of the waiters told me: ‘I felt sorry for hitting you…’, but, united by that battle, he maître He told me: ‘Come eat whenever you want,'” he concluded with humor.

Puma Goity’s criticism of Big Brother

At the end of March, in an interview the actor was asked what he felt when he saw the television full of reality shows, while fiction is relegated in the programming grids.

In response to this query, Puma responded: “It seems like a scam to me. A program like Big Brother It’s subversive.”


The actor criticized the lack of fiction on television and pointed out against reality TV.

“They ruin people in pursuit of television ads, to sell. They are not acting, I see how they talk to each other and it seems terrifying to me,” he pointed out against the Telefe program.

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