Pablo Echarri and Nancy Dupláa: “We warn you that we are going to continue traveling, do not get nervous”

Pablo Echarri and Nancy Dupláa: “We warn you that we are going to continue traveling, do not get nervous”
Pablo Echarri and Nancy Dupláa: “We warn you that we are going to continue traveling, do not get nervous”

Pablo Echarri and Nancy Dupláa stopped by Perros de la Calle on FM Urbana Play and talked about everything

This Wednesday, Pablo Echarri and Nancy Duplaa They passed by Street Dogsthe program that leads Andy Kusnetzoff on FM Urbana Play, and they talked about everything: from their beginnings in acting to the “popularity” they acquired. Regarding this last point, the driver wanted to delve a little deeper and an interesting exchange was generated in reference to the criticism that the couple usually receives when traveling abroad.

“I wanted to ask you, What did you learn from popularity? Good for something? Because I see that the kids, you have children and it must happen to you, everyone wants to appear on social networks. We are more seasoned. It’s not that being famous, it’s something spectacular. It of course has many benefits, but it also depends on what you do,” Andy started.

Immediately, Pablo Echarri reflected: “Popularity is useless. It can be used for a political career, it can be used to try to convince people en masse. What matters is money. Have a good economic life and the possibility of supporting your family. When it is hand in hand with popularity there is something that remains. We have changed our social and economic status thanks to our job, but at the same time it has been balanced with a very strong, very large exhibition, and there are things that are funnier anecdotes and there are things that are also harder.”

And followed: We had to experience a kidnapping thanks to popularity. They took my old man away from the newsstand because they thought I had a fortune in the bank. So popularity in itself is not a value. At that time I, at least, wanted to be an actor and I didn’t want to be a theater actor. I didn’t want to go to the conservatory and do a slow career. No. I wanted to go on television, I wanted to make a novel and I wanted to be famous as quickly as possible.. Then, when it happens, you begin to truly realize what the loss of anonymity means. Not to mention if you use your first and last name on top of that. You can’t get a plane ticket anymore because they’re fishing for you. At that time they followed us. Now there are correspondents everywhere with a telephone.”

At that moment, Andy intervened and noted: “Popularity is not the same as success in what you do.. And success is not always with popularity.”

Nancy Dupláa, Pablo Echarri with their children Morena and Julián and Luca (on the left), the son that the actress had with Matías Martin (@justlucam)

After listening to her husband, very attentively, Nancy then spoke. “The exhibition, also through the political demonstration, made us stop in a place where certain things are enabled. So let’s say that this reality makes you have a very bad time or a very good time at times. In general terms we had a very good time, because through this popularity and, through having told so many stories, There is a lot of familiarity that we provoke. People touch my face, they do that to me, what do I know,” she said.

“Don’t touch his face,” the driver joked. Between laughs, the actress continued: “If I go out to the street I give myself to my people, Andy”. “They are demonstrations of affection,” Echarri added.

At that moment he joined Mercedes Scapolaactress and columnist Street Dogs, and he remembered when he shared a cast with Dupláa. “When we did Graduates, (on Telefe), I was pregnant and I didn’t have a car. So she took me and brought me every day. And I remember that when she braked and opened the window, people grabbed her,” added Mercedes Morán’s daughter, about how dear Nancy is.

The actors have been together for more than two decades

Towards the end of the interview, Pablo spoke again and reflected on the performance and popularity. “You are all the baggage you carry. When you play a character, you don’t take much into account artistic talent, but also what your background is and what characters are easier for you to play or that people accept you playing. It has to do with the image that people have of us, not only because of the novels or the programs we made, but because of what they know about the family, because of our personal history. It’s all a big plot“, summarized.

Spicy, Andy added: “Guys, these are the rules of the game.. Give all the intimacy because you are that and don’t even think about going on a trip anywhere”. The actor’s wink was in reference to the criticism that the couple usually receives when traveling abroad.

“Well, let’s keep going on the trip,” Pablo said. With irony, Nancy added: “Noooo, how are we going to have that privilege, are you crazy? We let you know that we are going to continue traveling, so don’t get so nervous.. We have many trips planned.” And they concluded: “Let’s keep pissing off the gorilla. Let’s keep taking the planes up”.

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