The reason why Mary Donaldson left Frederick of Denmark alone at the royal conclave in Normandy comes to light

The reason why Mary Donaldson left Frederick of Denmark alone at the royal conclave in Normandy comes to light
The reason why Mary Donaldson left Frederick of Denmark alone at the royal conclave in Normandy comes to light

During this week We have been able to see a good part of the European royals in Normandy. This conclave had a reason for being: to honor the 80th anniversary of the landing of the Allied troops in this area of ​​France. There we saw Kings Charles III and Camilla, along with Prince William, Philip and Matilda of Belgium and Máxima and William Alexander of Holland. Another monarch who did not want to miss this commemorative event was Frederick of Denmark.

The newly proclaimed king came with the objective of “honor the heroic efforts of soldiers“, notes the official account of the Danish Royal House. It should be noted that “more than 800 Danish sailors participated on the Allied side in the invasion, and Her Majesty today unveiled a new memorial wall near Utah Beach in honor to the fallen Danes”, can be read in said profile.

Although the king’s conduct was impeccable, there was something that caught a lot of attention: Frederick traveled to Normandy alone. Although the kings have held separate events since taking the throne, it was somewhat strange that Mary did not want to be present at an event of such historical importance. Where was it? What was happening? Today, several days later, the reason why the Danish queen did not accompany her husband has come to light.

Where was Mary Donaldson while Frederick went to Normandy?

During the days in which the commemorative events took place, the Royal House of Denmark made no reference to the whereabouts of Mary Donaldson. A somewhat strange move considering that, since they ascended the throne, His actions and gestures have been followed more than ever. This lack of information slightly raised alarm bells about whether the marriage was going through a crisis.

This would not be a remote possibility considering the hurricane that broke out a few months ago due to the exclusive Readings on some photos of Federico and Genoveva Casanova walking around the retreat and spending the night at the Mexican model’s home. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Christian’s mother from Denmark was at a slightly more rural event. “Her Majesty the Queen of her was there when the white Cladruber horses of the Royal House They were brought into the fold in North Zealand“explains the Danish Crown. Apparently, as they themselves report, it has been a tradition for 40 years that royal horses “spend their summer holidays in these fields in Karlebo, in North Zealand.”

In the shared video, we can see the Australian queen, very smiling, watching with fascination the moment in which these beautiful animals began to run through the fields of this Danish area. “The horses will now be able to walk until they are brought back to wash them and train in the royal stables in Christiansborg in August,” they conclude.

Pilar Eyre analyzes the current state of the marriage of Federico and Mary of Denmark

Since Lecturas magazine published the images of Federico and Genoveva in Madrid, a schism opened in the Danish Royal House. Every gesture, word and movement was observed with a magnifying glass, trying to discover the true state of Federico and Mary’s marriage. Pilar Eyre, writer and contributor to our magazine, has analyzed the link between the Danish kings and how they are handling having suddenly ascended the throne.

“She has been queen of Denmark for five months and she already acts as if she has been queen for fifty years. What were once humble bows to the feet In front of the crowned heads there are now friendly and effusive hugs between equals, where before there was the princess with the shy smile, always in the background, Now we see the poise and self-confidence of someone who knows he is important.“, reflects Eyre.


A compliment to the way heThe Australian has shown her natural talent to face these controversies so common among members of royalty. It is not in vain that Queen Margaret II’s daughter-in-law has broken popularity records, surpassing her husband and other ex-born members of the Danish Crown.

And what about Federico? What does the royal expert think about his behavior? Pilar Eyre is clear about it. “Federico grits his teeth and says the same thing as Kennedy in Paris, ‘I’m just the man who accompanies Mary.’ He knows that, if he is king, he is so thanks to her“, she writes. What is she referring to? After the snapshots of the monarch and the model were published, Mary traveled to her native country with her children to take care of herself after this media storm.

Federico knew that the only way to make her return and forgive him was to recognize the role he should occupy. Thus, he promised her “that her mother-in-law Margaret was going to abdicate and that she was finally going to be queen.” Something that finally happened. Since then, the interactions between them have been fluid and close, proving that their marriage has overcome the crisis that shook the foundations of the Danish Crown.

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