Why did Emilia Attias get uncomfortable in the middle of a note with her little daughter: the VIDEO

Emilia Attias and Turkish Naim separated in the middle of a scandal. With strong rumors of infidelity, Attias reappeared and emphasized what he suffered once the details of the breakup of his partner with the father of his daughter Gina became known.

READ MORE: What do the audios say in which Turkish Naim spoke about Emilia Attias in the midst of the scandal

“My daughter is my grounding cable and my job, I am calm, working hard and enjoying my daughter. Of course I suffered, we didn’t choose that path, but we worked behind closed doors to make it the best way possible.”said Emilia.

READ MORE: Emilia Attias and Turk Naim: the last scandalous scene of jealousy on the beach that was recorded

Regarding his relationship with Turkish Naim, he added: “The relationship is good, we are pretty good, at any moment he returns. We have a good dialogue, there is harmony, he will come soon because he has a lot of work so you will surely see him here soon.”

But the note took a turn when they asked him specifically about his ex-partner’s work. “No, my daughter is there. In front of my daughter, no”, he closed, forcefully.

Emilia was categorical (Video: América).


Later, Yanina Latorre assured that she has juicy details of the separation, which do not make her look good to Attias. “I know it from his mouth. He didn’t tell it to me, but he did tell it from his surroundings. I don’t want to get involved because it would hurt her a lot.”, he concluded.

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She looks very sad”, pointed out, for her part, Matilda Blanco in LAM.

The love story of Emilia Attias and Turk Naim It began with a spark that was lit in 2005, during the recording of a sketch for the program “Showmatch”. Their relationship was consolidated quickly. In 2009, They got married in an intimate ceremony in Brazil, surrounded by family and friends. In October 2016 They became Gina’s parents.. Everything ended in the worst way: scandal, third in discord and separation.

Beyond being a couple, Emilia and the Turk They are partners in work. In 2013 they opened their first bar, Poe, which was later joined by Cadillach. Together, they have built a life full of shared projects, dreams fulfilled and a deep love that unites them.

READ MORE: In the midst of her parents’ separation, this is how Gina, the daughter of Emilia Attias and Turco Naím, is today

Over almost two decades, the couple has proven that true love can overcome any obstacle. Their secret, according to themselves, lies in honest communication, mutual respect, individual freedom and unbreakable trust.

Emilia Attias modeled a bold black rubberized bodysuit. (Photo: Instagram/@emilia_att)

Emilia Attias modeled a bold black rubberized bodysuit. (Photo: Instagram/@emilia_att)


During an interview, Emilia Attias provided unknown details of her 20-year marriage to Turkish Naim, whom he met on a hidden camera and with whom he had Gina (7) in 2016. As the actress explained, the age difference does not weigh on them and they have a “healthy, worthwhile” relationship.

It is important to have the necessary freedom. Neither too far nor too close. The important thing is to be able to share life without editing yourself, without the other person being uncomfortable with something about you,” she said when asked what her secret is for such a long relationship.

And then, when the Gente magazine reporter asked him about the age difference between the two, he indicated that “I never noticed the age difference. Obviously he has more experience in some things. What he gave me is an intelligent, deep mind and that is due to experience. I fell in love with his cultural level, something typical of having lived twenty years longer than me.”

Read also: This is how Gina, the daughter of Emilia Attias and Turk Naim, is today

I was a city girl and he was a country man, he brought me a rustic life. “I always say that he made this elegant city girl more rustic, he brought her back to her roots,” she continued.

And after explaining what his partner’s maturity brought him, he confided what she brought to him. About this she said that “I have a lot of spirituality. I think that I gave him calm, the possibility of working on his spirit. But I don’t think we didn’t give something to each other. We had dormant aspects that came to wake us up.”

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