The enigmatic words of Raquel Argandoña in the face of an emotional memory – Publimetro Chile

The enigmatic words of Raquel Argandoña in the face of an emotional memory – Publimetro Chile
The enigmatic words of Raquel Argandoña in the face of an emotional memory – Publimetro Chile

They have lived it all. As the saying goes, no one can take away what is eaten and danced. But, apparently, both Raquel Argandoña and Patricia Maldonado would already be enjoying their last moments together, aware that the countdown was activated.

At least that’s what the Tal Cual host pointed out, who shared an emotional memory with her lifelong friend, but with some sensitive words that hinted at a natural fear of death.

“This nice memory came to me. But at the same time it scared me. Because It seems that one of the two is going to leave…“he wrote on his Instagram account.

Along with the message, he published an emotional video along with several moments they shared, which were defined by Maldonado as “beautiful, bitter, very sad and painful moments, due to artistic failures and great successes,” he recalled.

“La Pata occupies a super important place, because he is always more in the bad moments than in the good ones. Even if I don’t call her, I call her or she comes to my house. “She has brought me out when I am really bad emotionally,” Raquel stood out.

The scares of Raquel and Maldonado

Both friends have had major scares recently. Maldonado suffered a serious road accident and Argandoña has had two worrying episodes. One, when she got stuck on a piece of meat and later as a result of unbearable stomach pain in Cancun that made her return to Chile in an emergency.

“On the plane I took two ravotril plus the morphine injection they gave me. I was able to get on the plane and endure the trip until I arrived at the airport in Chile and they took me to the emergency clinic. I swear, I said that if I’m going to die, I’ll die in Chile, with my doctors,” she said on that occasion.

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