Nacho Vidal, investigated for drugged driving and refusing to submit to tests | People

Nacho Vidal, investigated for drugged driving and refusing to submit to tests | People
Nacho Vidal, investigated for drugged driving and refusing to submit to tests | People

This Tuesday, June 18, singer Justin Timberlake made headlines around the world after being arrested in New York for driving under the influence of alcohol. Two days later, it was a national star, the former porn film actor Ignacio Jordá, better known as Nacho Vidal (Mataró, 50 years old), who was involved in similar circumstances. Several agencies have reported this Thursday, June 20, that Vidal suffered a traffic accident in the early hours of Wednesday on the A-7 near Picassent (Valencia) and is being investigated by the Civil Guard for the crimes of reckless driving and for refusing to submit to drug and alcohol tests.

As sources familiar with the event have confirmed to EFE and Europa Press, after the accident, and after having refused to collaborate with the substance detection tests, Nacho Vidal was transferred to the La Fe hospital in Valencia, where various tests were performed, among them those referring to the possible consumption of narcotic substances, which will be sent to the court. On this same issue, the newspaper Lift-EMV has reported that once at the medical center, where the tests were finally done, the actor tested positive for cocaine, benzodiazepines and marijuana use. He also had a CT scan for a blow to the head.

As a consequence, the former actor, star of more than 1,500 porn films, has been investigated in an open case for the crime of refusing to submit to alcohol and drug tests and for reckless driving. He will have to testify before the judge when he is required.

At the same time, Vidal is currently awaiting trial for an alleged crime of homicide due to serious imprudence committed in the course of a ritual with buffo toad poison for which he faces a request for conviction, by the Prosecutor’s Office, of seven years in prison. In this ritual, methylbufotenin is used, a substance present in the venom of the toad of the species Alvarius snorted. It is a hallucinogenic drug inhaled in certain environments for recreational use and also for its supposed therapeutic effects to combat addictions. Vidal, who will be tried for being the director of the rite, faces charges of reckless homicide and another crime against public health. This event occurred on July 28, 2019 in the Valencian town of Enguera and during it a man died – the photographer José Luis Abad – who, apparently, had gone to Vidal’s home to undergo the aforementioned ritual. The case was dismissed, but the Valencia Court recently reopened it.

When Vidal’s arrest came to light four years ago, his website highlighted his status as coach (coach): “Nacho Vidal guides a process of change in the people who experience his support.” In a video uploaded about eight years ago on YouTube, he explained his “humble experience” with the buff toad, which he met through a friend in Ibiza. Then he had a hard time with his “addictions and attachments, he lived in a loop.” There he maintained that after the second dose he closed “his circles of addictions” and was reunited with his “spirit,” in addition to “connecting with what matters, which is the earth and mother nature.”

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