The Clint Eastwood movie that no one trusted

Clint Eastwood is one of the most respected figures in Hollywood. And he is, not only because of his acting talent. Also, for his skill behind the camera, which has earned him several Oscar nominations for best director. But more unique — and meritorious, if possible — that at the age of 94, he is filming his new film. Juror #2which is expected to hit the screen in the final months of 2024, promises to close the career of the performer and director with a flourish. But beyond that, demonstrate your willingness to continue your career, just as you have always done.

Due to a long and fruitful history behind him, there are anecdotes about the star’s way of working and acting. Which includes everything from all the time it took her to film the intimate scenes in Los Puentes de Madison — she was ashamed of the semi-nude she had to perform — to the tribute she paid in Unforgivable, to his first roles in Spaghetti western. The truth is that Clint Eastwood has become a living legend in the mecca of cinema. It is the example of a solid, interesting and always growing career that still dazzles its followers.

But a little-known story about his decisions as an actor led him to almost not participate in one of the best-known films in his repertoire. The most unique of them is also a rarity, because it belongs to the comedy genre. Which makes it all the more unique that Clint Eastwood — known for his serious and circumspect personality — starred in it. We refer to hard to peel (1978), directed by James Fargo and one of the few films with wild humor in the performer’s extensive filmography.

Humor from the hand of Clint Eastwood

In this feature film, the script by Jeremy Joe Kronsberg tells how Philo Beddoe (Eastwood), is a truck driver who is dedicated to street fights. And that, in fact, lives on the edge of risk in the middle of long, often dangerous routes.

But the strangest thing is that this taciturn and strange figure has Clyde, an orangutan, as his only companion. The unique duo allows the director to film several hilarious sequences, in which the actor interacts with the ape. That, while he tries to save his pockets — and from time to time, his life — on his long journey aboard his truck across North America.

The most curious thing about the film is that, of course, a good part of the actor’s speeches are monologues. So his long conversations with Clyde are actually witty and hilarious points of view about life, money, poverty, happiness and even love. A diametrically different role even those that, at that time, Clint Eastwood had embodied in the mecca of cinema.

The great concern around the actor

For this reason, when the interpreter received the offer for the film, those around him immediately insisted that he reject the role. In a long interview with Guardian, Eastwod told how choosing to play the strange and witty Philo Beddoe was a complicated decision. Particularly, because many of his friends, acquaintances and even other actors suggested he step away from a similar role. Firstly, because it does not have the slightest resemblance to anything he had interpreted until then.At the other extreme, because they feared it would be a box office disaster.

However, Clint Eastwood ignored the advice. The reason? He wanted to abandon the roles of being a tough guy who barely said a word on screen. But also, he wanted to prove to himself that he was capable of playing a man who didn’t have to. You have to carry a gun in your hands to be interesting to the public.

“I’ve made some strange decisions over the years. “My agent, and everyone, begged me not to participate in the film,” he explained to Guardian. “It was after dirty Harry and I had done a lot of action movies. So for me, the interest was to reach a younger generation. Starring in a story that children could see, a little less foul-mouthed.”

To everyone’s surprise, the film became a box office success, being the first by the actor and future director to exceed a gross of $100 million dollars. Also, he received good reviews for his curious performance, which was more gratifying for the author. Two years later, he even dared to play Philo Beddoe again, in a sequel to the original, which told basically the same story. And although it had a great reception from the public, critics were divided regarding his opinion of the film.That, although Eastwood did not stop insisting that he was satisfied with the result.

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