Pato Torres and his two weeks of terror with the flu

Pato Torres and his two weeks of terror with the flu
Pato Torres and his two weeks of terror with the flu

Pato Torres reveló en Podemos Hablar, el programa de Chilevisión, los duros momentos que vivió hace un par de semanas, cuando se contagió con influenza.

El actor inició su participación contando lo que vivió, señalando que “Fueron dos semanas muy jodida”, las que vivió contagiado con la enfermedad respiratoria.

Reveló que no se vacunó, pese a estar en la población de riesgo, ya que el actor tiene 71 años. “Una persona que tiene cierta edad, como es el caso mío, dice churra, complicado, por qué me dejé llevar por una estupidez como no vacunarme, por ejemplo”, acotó.

Añadió, “No lo quise hacer, dado que pa’ que me voy a vacunar, si soy un tipo bastante sano, voy al gimnasio contantemente, me pongo los sueros vitamínicos, me puse la testosterona en el cachete, estoy impeque, pa’ qué, pero parece que el bicho no cachó eso”.

Los días de Pato Torres con influenza

Julio César Rodríguez, host of the space, asked him what was the worst moment he experienced infected with influenza.

“The first two days, two first days in which I did not sleep, because I felt very bad. A nightmare that also attacked my ear, I still have half-covered ears, an unbearable flow of snot, because it was as if I had a key in my nose, no, and all of that prevented me from breathing.”he indicated.

Although he stressed that he had no muscle pain, noting, “Notice that I didn’t have back pain, or anything like that, it was more than anything the inability to breathe and the cough and the headache… it was unbearable.”

The comedian pointed out that once the 5 days that the illness was supposed to last were over, he still felt strange, but he still went to work at the radio station where he hosts a program from Monday to Saturday.

There he indicated that his colleague, Julio Stark, told him that he did not look well and recommended that he go to the doctor. He insisted that he was fine, but pustules also appeared on his ribs, so he finally decided to go to the doctor.

His surprise was when the doctor told him “Compadre, you have the killer bacteria, so we are going to have to stay at home for 7 more days and we are going to give you a treatment of antibiotics.”

He stressed that with the antibiotic treatment he felt better and last Thursday he was able to return to work.

The comedian pointed out that the saddest thing is that due to the illness he had to stop his theater performances, his work on the radio and stop seeing his children, to avoid contagion.

But he also commented that many people helped him during the days he was sick, when Instagram followers went to his home to leave him food while he was recovering.

Highlighted “Impressive, people who suddenly wrote to me through Instagram, told me ‘Ducky, where do you live, I’m going to bring you things'”closed by thanking the people for their affection.

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