The publication that Jesús Ortiz made on the day of the 10th anniversary of Felipe VI that reflects the strict rules of his daughter Letizia

The publication that Jesús Ortiz made on the day of the 10th anniversary of Felipe VI that reflects the strict rules of his daughter Letizia
The publication that Jesús Ortiz made on the day of the 10th anniversary of Felipe VI that reflects the strict rules of his daughter Letizia

Jesús Ortiz (74 years old) is a lover of communication and like a good journalist he is up to date with all the news. Many of them are shared on his X profile (formerly Twitter), a channel in which he can express himself and continue practicing his profession in some way after retiring. On June 19, Queen Letizia’s father was, like the rest of Spaniards and the entire planet, attentive to the anniversary of the proclamation of King Felipe VI. That day also marked the first ten years of her daughter as Queen of Spain and a decade of her granddaughter Leonor as Princess of Asturias. However, Jesús Ortiz completely ignored this topic on his Instagram profile, even though he was quite active.

Jesús Ortiz published a tweet about the winners of the Latin edition Unlock her Future, a contest that aims to support entrepreneurial women of any age and whose projects have a positive impact on society and culture. “I was lucky enough to get to know the winners of the Latin edition of Unlock her Future up close. So much talent in these young and interesting women! And so much generosity creating and innovating to help their communities. A luxury to meet them,” wrote the last Wednesday the father of Queen Letizia on his social network profile.

Precisely, this publication had some reactions, for example a comment in which the talent of Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía was highly valued. “And how much talent and affection your granddaughters show. Forgive me for intruding and mentioning them as granddaughters, but I spoke to their grandfather and the gesture with their parents has been beautiful. That spontaneity and naturalness makes them very great. You can be very proud” , a user responded. A comment that has not had any type of reaction from Princess Leonor’s grandfather. Although he is faithful to the rules of not revealing any type of information that, naturally, he has a privileged position, everything that Jesús Ortiz says (and does not say) has an impact.

It was not his only publication, that June 19 Jesús Ortiz shared news of the day making his particular analysis of current events. Literature, technology, health… X’s profile of Felipe VI’s father-in-law became his personal diary, but there was no mention of the events of the His granddaughters broke protocol, starring in a moment that will go down in history. This has a reason and it is certainly not a lack of interest and much less ignorance.

The Queen has very clear what her family can or cannot count on for her protection and they have also decided so themselves. They are aware that any analysis would lead to many headlines and analysis. Better not to comment on anything related to the Royal Family to which they are united and linked. “I have more to lose than gain with these things, it is not worth it,” Jesús Ortiz himself confessed in an interview with the Faro de Vigo newspaper when they asked him if he would publish his memoirs. Aware that the information he may have as the father of the Queen of Spain is of great interest, the journalist made it clear that taking this step would fill “pages, opinions and hours of television and radio”, and it is not his objective. Nor that of his son-in-law and that of his daughter, logically.

All about Jesús Ortiz, Letizia’s father

Despite this, Jesús Ortiz does not resist giving his opinion on current very hot topics and defending himself when he considers it necessary. Despite Zarzuela’s slogans, the communicator has responded to some personal comments on social networks, although in no case directly alluding to his daughter, his son-in-law, his granddaughters or the emeritus kings.

“50 years working? On your daughter Letizia’s birth certificate you appear as a student. On your daughter Telma’s birth certificate you appear as a salesman. 50 years of working life do not appear. And when did you become a journalist?“, one of his followers wrote to him on the same network a few months ago. And Jesús Ortiz did not remain silent: “True: in addition to collaborating on the radio and press, I sold whatever was put in front of me. Now, tell how profession assignments worked in the 60s and 70s. Would you be ‘your tasks’? And, on your children’s birth certificate, how do they define it? They didn’t even give a mother the option to define a profession. Excuse me, but you have short vision of what moonlighting was like in the 70s. To worry about what the DNI said.

Jesús Ortiz became involved with the Spanish Royal Family 20 years ago and has always maintained his discreet role, being before being a journalist or communicator a father and grandfather, although he is the father of a Queen and the grandfather of the heiress to the Crown. …

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