María Dolores Ocaña, his right hand

María Dolores Ocaña, his right hand
María Dolores Ocaña, his right hand

“Service, commitment and duty”, They are the three pillars on which Felipe (56 years old) and Letizia (51 years old) are governed in matters of State. However, for some time now the way in which kings and their daughters present themselves to the world has changed, a transformation that has coincided with the arrival of Maria Dolores Ocaña to the Queen’s personal team.

After the commemorative events on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the proclamation, everyone agrees on the freshness, closeness and union that the kings and their two daughters showed. An idyllic picture to which no one has remained indifferent after years of secrecy. Regarding the Doña Letizia’s stylistic bets We have also noticed a change. Leonor and Sofía’s mother has made her costumes her hallmark, a bet on sobriety and austerity which clashes with those imposing looks from the past with which she managed to win the title of the best dressed royal.

Coincident or not, this wardrobe change has not only coincided with his painful injury to his right foot, but also with the entry of María Dolores Ocaña. And sneakers or flat shoes are not an excuse not to opt for new looks just as she has accustomed us to.

Queen Letizia’s change of style

It seems that Doña Letizia has turned her back on her iconic dresses and, at least for the moment, does not plan to go back. 2024 has brought with it a radical transformation of its image which began with a radical haircut and continued with a firm commitment to more sober looks in which suits, of all shapes and colors, have become their hallmark.

One of the reasons that could explain this sudden change is that The Queen would be tired of her outfits taking center stage. Although it is true that for years, Mrs. Letizia “used” this to send very powerful messages through her looks. Another option is that Letizia’s work team wanted to try a new, more sober image in this new stage, something strange considering how acclaimed she has always been for reasons of style.


Thus, María Dolores would have started working hand in hand with the Queen and her stylist, Eva Fernández, in search of options to achieve a more professional and discreet image without losing sight of the comfort that the Queen needs at this time.

However, the reason that gains the most strength is that the consort, now that she is going through an uncomfortable health downturn, feels much more comfortable with this type of fresher and more practical outfits. Only time will tell if the Queen recovers the best version of herself, a touch that she left us last Wednesday during the anniversary of her proclamation, or she follows the path of working girl infinite.

The important work of María Dolores Ocaña: right hand of Queen Letizia

After years in the Administration, María Dolores Ocaña She debuted last April as head of the Queen’s Secretariata promotion that reflects not only the protagonist’s commitment to the Crown but also the complete trust that Doña Letizia has in her.

According to Vanitatis, María Dolores and Letizia have a lot in common. They were both mothers at the same time and are from the same generation. Graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, those who know her define her as an intelligent, discreet and very hard-working woman, attributes that the Queen also possesses.


Furthermore, she herself points out in her LinkedIn profile, her “leadership capacity, enhancement of teamwork and motivation to work in an honest and cooperative environment.” Some essential skills for her current work as secretary to the Queen.

Among her multiple functions would be the study, preparation and execution of matters related to the Queen’s activities, so the lawyer will work hand in hand with Doña Letizia and she will be the one who organizes her agenda, advises her and accompanies her in all her tasks. public appearances.

King Felipe publicly highlights the work of Doña Letizia

One of the most special moments last Wednesday was when Don Felipe addressed his wife, in the middle of his speech, with some heartfelt words. A magnificent opportunity in which she did not hesitate to highlight her role as her Queen.

“In all this time I have had the great support of the Queen.”, Don Felipe began by saying as he looked towards his wife. “With will, dedication and sensitivity, his institutional activity has contributed enormously to giving visibility and attention to the needs of people, especially the most vulnerable,” he concluded. Doña Letizia responded with a slight smile of gratitude.

Although it may seem like a compliment, what is a reality is that Don Felipe and Doña Letizia form a perfect tandem. Together they have managed to overcome countless personal and institutional obstacles, until they reach a point of absolute stability.

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