He just graduated from high school

The Canadian actor of Chilean origins Jacob Tremblay, who played the boy named Auggie in the American film “Wonder”in 2017, just graduated from high school in Canada.

The now 17-year-old made his film debut in 2013 in “The Smurfs 2.” Later, his career was on the rise and one of his most remembered characters is Auggie, a boy who had deformations in his face and where he had to use facial prosthetics for the impersonation.

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Although Jacob was born in 2006 in Canada, he has Chilean roots, since his mother and his maternal grandfather were born in Chile, however, the teenager has never visited the country and does not know the language, since his mother did not learn Spanish either.

A few days ago, Jacob Tremblay graduated from Walnut Grove Secondary School in the district of Langley, Canada. “Congratulations WGSS Class of 2024!” he wrote in a carousel of photos he shared about his graduation.

In the photographs he published on Instagram, you can see the teenager next to his graduation cap and gown and there is also the video in which he receives his high school diploma and performs the ritual of changing the tassel of the cap he is wearing. .


In another clip, one of the ceremony’s announcers is heard talking about Jacob’s projections, stating that the young man “He hopes to continue his career in the film industry” after graduating.

Jacob Tremblay in 2019 (Instagram)

Jacob, last January, referred to his 10-year film career, which has led him to be part of productions such as “Room” and “The Predator”; in addition to being a voice actor in films such as “The Little Mermaid”, “Luca”, and Ciao Alberto”.

Regarding his career, he confessed that “I have a lot of experience on set, but I feel like, even for the biggest stars in the world, there is always something to learn. “I’m just excited to do future projects.”

In an interview with Comingsoon he also admitted that “I am very excited about my future” and revealed that he “likes to play a lot of different characters, so I’m excited to see where that takes me and what characters I get to play.”

Check out the graduation images

Jacob Tremblay (Instagram)
Jacob Tremblay (Instagram)
Jacob Tremblay (Instagram)
Jacob Tremblay (Instagram)

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